This is a project to port Android open source project to x86 platform, formerly known as "patch hosting for android x86 support".
The original plan is to host different patches for android x86 support from open source community. A few months after we created the project, we found out that we could do much more than just hosting patches. So we decide to create our code base to provide support on different x86 platforms, and set up a git server to host it.
This is an open source project licensed under Apache Public License 2.0. Some components are licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0 or later.
Register Date: 2016-04-22 19:23
Verwandte ProjekteMX Linux, Parrot Security OS, Joborun Linux, SereneLinux, Thinstation |
AlterLinux ist ein von ArchLinux abgeleitetes Betriebssystem, das durch Anpassen von archiso entwickelt wurde. Japans erstes "von ArchLinux abgeleitetes Betriebssystem, das in Japan entwickelt wurde". Ausgestattet mit Xfce4, das speziell an die Standard-Desktop-Umgebung angepasst ist, ermöglicht es eine einfache Bedienung. Es kann einfach mit dem GUI-Installationsprogramm installiert werden. Alle Einstellungen wie Netzwerk und Festplatte können über die GUI vorgenommen werden. Dies macht es zum besten Betriebssystem für die Migration von Ubuntu und anderen Quellen. Da das Repository für ArchLinux freigegeben ist, können Sie die neuesten Pakete verwenden und die umfangreichen Informationen von ArchWiki unverändert verwenden. Die Entwicklung wird von FascodeNetwork (ehemals SereneTeam) durchgeführt, das auch SereneLinux verwaltet. Es ist das beste Betriebssystem, das Entwicklern mit umfassender Erfahrung und Technologie besonders wichtig ist, um die Verwendung für alle Benutzer zu vereinfachen.
Register Date: 2020-03-03 18:45
Verwandte ProjekteBerry Linux, Parrot Security OS, Clonezilla, Ecolinux, LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE |
SereneLinux was developed on a new Ubuntu-based OS from Japan, but we have changed to a Fedora-based OS and are focusing on beautiful UI, light weight, and unique features. SereneLinux will continue to evolve so that it can become the standard for the future.
Official site :
Forum :
Twitter account: @FascodeNetwork
Note 1: The APT repository server registered for Beta4 and Beta5 has been suspended.
Note 2: The source code management has been moved to Github (, and the remaining Git repository on OSDN may not be the latest one.
Note 3: The source code of Fedora version is maintained at
Register Date: 2019-04-15 10:00
Verwandte ProjektePuppy Linux 日本語版, Android-x86, Joborun Linux, Helal Linux, Thinstation |
Zorin OS は、Linux を簡単かつ円滑なアクセスできるようにする Windows ユーザーのための多機能のオペレーティングシステムです。
Verwandte ProjektelinuxBean, Dumpper v.60.3, Berry Linux, MeCab, Win32 Disk Imager |
4MLinux is a miniature Linux distribution focusing on four capabilities: maintenance (by using it as a system rescue live CD), multimedia (for example, for playing video DVDs), miniserver (using the inetd daemon), and mystery (meaning console games).
Verwandte ProjekteAndroid-x86, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, SmillaEnlarger |
Debianを元に、Frozenbox networkにより開発されました。
(訳注:機械翻訳に“カリのLinuxと混合“とあったため、Kali Linuxもベースになっている?)
Verwandte ProjekteMPC-BE, Android-x86, Dumpper v.60.3, Manjaro ARM, Joborun Linux |
MX Linux is a cooperative venture between the antiX and MX Linux communities. It is a family of operating systems that are designed to combine elegant and efficient desktops with high stability and solid performance. MX’s graphical tools provide an easy way to do a wide variety of tasks, while the Live USB and snapshot tools inherited from antiX add impressive portability and remastering capabilities. Extensive support is available through videos, documentation and a very friendly Forum.
Register Date: 2019-04-09 17:34
Verwandte ProjekteJoborun Linux, Zorin OS, Parrot Security OS, SereneLinux, Android-x86 |
Notice: linuxBean is a *Japanese* Linux distribution. This does ***not*** contain non-Japanese locales of some apps.
linuxBean is the *Japanese* lightweight Linux distribution derived from ubuntu. It is aiming at "li...
Register Date: 2012-05-03 04:42
Verwandte ProjekteThinstation, TTBase, X/Qt Server, Puppy Linux 日本語版, LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE |
RCPlive is a router live CD based on Debian 7 and the RCP100 routing suite. It is a flexible firewalling and routing platform, configured using a command line interface syntax similar to the one found in commercial routers. The software runs directly from a read-only CD or USB stick, and provides persistence by saving the configuration into a file placed on an existing disk partition.
Verwandte ProjekteiReport-Designer for JasperReports, DeSmuME, linuxBean, SmillaEnlarger, Android-x86 |
Comal-Linux is a Linux distribution derived from Slackware Linux. It is packaged as a live CD, and is intended for desktop users who want to use Slackware Linux without first installing it on their computers. Comal-Linux is built from "pure" Slackware Linux, making it as compatible with the original as possible, including application packages. By choosing lightweight desktop and application software, the distribution can be used on older computers. Comal-Linux is an unofficial Muslim edition of Slackware.
Verwandte ProjekteAndroid-x86, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, SereneLinux, Joborun Linux |
Puppy Linux(パピーリナックス)は2003年にオーストラリアの Barry Kauler さんによって公開されました。小さく(Precise Puppy 5.5 で 167.5MB)、軽いながらたくさんのアプリケーションを持った Linux です。 この Puppy Linux を日本語対応版に改良し、できるだけ日本語で使えるようにしたものを「パピーリナックス 日本語版」として公開しています。Web サイト フォーラム
2014/09/29 bash のセキュリティ問題により Puppy Linux の bash 更新が必要です。詳細は次の URL を参照して下さい。
2014/08/14 日本からの配布で法律違反になるおそれがある libdvdcss が含まれていた事を確認したため、こちらではダウンロードを中断しています。最新の対応状況はこちらでまとめています。
2014/06/10 OpenSSL のセキュリティ問題により Puppy Linux の OpenSSL 更新が必要です。詳細は次の URL を参照して下さい。
2014/01/18 Precise-571JP(non-PAE)を公開しました。14:50 にファイルを更新しています。1月18日 11:43〜14:15 にダウンロードしている場合はお手数かけますが、再度ダウンロードをお願いします。
Register Date: 2007-03-16 01:40
Verwandte ProjekteLxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE, Android-x86, linuxBean, Helal Linux, Joborun Linux |
Chromeブラウザには Chrome OS が、firefox には webian があります。そして今、opera にも Opera OS ができました。Opera OS は、完全なディストリビューションとしては最も小さいものである slitaz 3.0 をもとにした、軽量・高速なオペレーティングシステムです。linux 用の最高速の部類のブラウザーである opera と、flash プレーヤーを備えています。また、これらすべてが、なんと 65 メガバイトに収まっているのです。
Verwandte ProjekteMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, linuxBean, Android-x86, Joborun Linux |
Privatix Live-System is a portable encrypted operating system designed to be run directly from a USB flash drive or an external hard drive. This allows the user to safely edit and carry along sensitive data for encrypted communication and anonymous Web surfing. It is based on Debian GNU/Linux.
Verwandte ProjekteDarik's Boot and Nuke, linuxBean, Android-x86, DeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger |
Manjaro Linux is a distribution based on Arch Linux. This project is unofficial Japanese remix. The purpose of this project is to prepare ISO image which is customized (and remixed) for Japanese language user. ISO files prepared in this project are built by using manjaro-tools.
Register Date: 2014-08-08 21:25
Verwandte ProjekteZorin OS, Android-x86, TOMOYO, LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE, Thinstation |
This project is a project for a Linux distribution with fully customized Japanese environment for Desktop users on Linux. It is dedicated for end users in general. You can download a custom Linux distribution from the project.
The products provided here are unofficial MX or antiX re-spins based on Debian Stable, but are not connected with it.
Register Date: 2022-10-17 21:44
Verwandte ProjekteAndroid-x86, LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE, X/Qt Server, linuxBean, Thinstation |