
LxPup is a version of Puppy Linux using the LXDE desktop environment and is an updated “descendent” of loukitchou’s LxPup13.01. LxPup offers the Openbox window manager, LxPanelX (a fork of LxPanel) panel manager and PCManFM file manager. Optional enhancements to the desktop are available via the Options button on the Change Appearance menu item. There are various "flavours" (currently 4+2 *) of LxPup built as derivatives of official Puppy Linux builds thereby offering different kernels and access to the software repositories of the base Puppy. LxPup combines all the significant advantages of Puppy Linux - small iso size, extensive hardware support, wide range of applications built-in, live cd and frugal installs, friendly supportive user forum etc etc, with the lightweight but modern LXDE desktop environment. * There are 2 flavours (pae and non-pae) with Slackware14.0 compatibility, 2 Ubuntu Precise flavours + 1 Ubuntu Raring flavour + 1 Debian Wheezy flavour - all <200MB


Ihr Bewertung
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2017-04-16 01:52
Rezensionen von rderamos

(15 von 22 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
excelente programa, se recomienda ampliamente. gracias linux y sus colaboradores que lo hacen posible, versatil, sencillo y util.

2016-06-23 01:57
Rezensionen von haru62198372

(18 von 27 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
fast,stable,lxpup is good. but ver 16.06.103 have some trable of wm. when reboot pc, panel icon was doble, then restart wm. icon was no problem. perhaps 16.06.203 wl fix this issu and more stable.
even if u have low spec pc. lxpup wl fast nd stable.
16.06.103 seems to have some problem of wm which is panel icon issu. isnt it?

2014-10-22 08:39
Rezensionen von napocr

(15 von 25 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
puppy is best than any other OS.
no need to make a new instalation is updated by itself but the speed to do it WOW!!
for newbies they need to feel windows getting programs with viruses or worm or ...