Einfache Projektliste Software-Karte

174 Projekte im Ergebnis
Letztes Update: 2011-10-20 16:11


!OpenSuSE Linux 企業で使用するための構成管理マニュアル

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2022-01-31 02:20


gputils は、マイクロ チップ PIC マイクロ コント ローラーのためのツールのコレクションです。その目標はマイクロ チップのツール、MPASM、MPLINK、および MPLIB と完全に互換性があります。

Letztes Update: 2021-05-06 18:25

Talend Spatial Module

Talend Spatial Module(別名、Spatial Data Integrator又はSDI)は、地理空間のためのETLツールです。Talend Open Studioをベースにしており、入力、出力及びgeocomponent変換が利用できます。IOコンポーネントは、GISフォーマット(PostGIS、GeoRSSなど)を読込み/書込みを行います。

Letztes Update: 2011-07-08 22:36

District Builder

District Builder is a software application designed to give the public transparent, accessible, and easy-to-use mapping tools to draw the boundaries of their communities or to generate redistricting plans for their state and localities. The drawing of electoral districts is among the least transparent processes in democratic governance. All too often, redistricting authorities maintain power by obstructing public participation. The resulting districts embody the goals of politicians to the detriment of the representational interests of communities and the public at large. With District Builder, the public has the capacity to create and submit district plans for municipal, county, and state governments, support redistricting competitions, and keep the entire process open. In addition to legislative redistricting, District Builder's flexibility accommodates school districts, police districts, and many other redistricting needs.

Letztes Update: 2011-09-23 22:25


District Builder is a software application designed to give the public transparent, accessible, and easy-to-use mapping tools to draw the boundaries of their communities or to generate redistricting plans for their state and localities. The drawing of electoral districts is among the least transparent processes in democratic governance. All too often, redistricting authorities maintain power by obstructing public participation. The resulting districts embody the goals of politicians to the detriment of the representational interests of communities and the public at large. With District Builder, the public has the capacity to create and submit district plans for municipal, county, and state governments, support redistricting competitions, and keep the entire process open. In addition to legislative redistricting, District Builder's flexibility accommodates school districts, police districts, and many other redistricting needs.

(Machine Translation)


You can create a grid for your calculation and design your calculation result.

Entwicklungsstatus: 1 - Planung
Lizenz: other
Natürliche Sprache: English, Japanese
Betriebssystem: Windows XP
Programmiersprache: C++
Themen: Research
Benutzerschnittstelle: OpenGL
Register Date: 2010-02-02 12:11
Letztes Update: 2013-12-11 22:44


uReport provides issue tracking and constituent relations management for municipalities with an Open311 (GeoReport v2) endpoint.

(Machine Translation)
Databank Umgebung: MySQL
Zielbenutzer: Government
Betriebssystem: Linux
Letztes Update: 2009-09-30 23:00


623:仕様書無しさん [] :2009/09/26(土) 16:49:21

どうせならエコ対策のシステムをドカンと打ち上げてほしい。 予算10兆円くらいで。 そうすりゃみんな仕事にありつける。



このプロジェクトは、2ちゃんねるの以下のスレから 生まれました。


Entwicklungsstatus: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Lizenz: other
Natürliche Sprache: English, Japanese
Programmiersprache: JavaScript, PHP
Benutzerschnittstelle: Web Environment
Register Date: 2009-09-26 21:33


e-Dokyumento is a web-based Document Management System that stores, organizes, indexes, routes, and tracks electronic documents.

A document management which automates the basic office document workflow such as receiving, filing, routing, and approving through capturing (scanning), digitizing (OCR Reading), storing, tagging, and electronically routing and approving (e-signature) of documents.



1. Document routing and workflow - users can freely select the department or branch to route the document.

2. Add file links to the document- users can link or attach files to the main document. This is ideal for documents requiring attachments such as references and enclosures.

3. Add notes or comments - users can add notes or comments to the documents during routing. This is similar to manually attaching 'Post it'.

4. Annotations-managers and bosses can draw and add text into the document when correcting. Upon saving of the annotated document, he/she can return it to the originator.

5. Electronic Signature - managers and bosses can electronically sign to approve the document. Every document signed has a corresponding control number for tracking and non-repudiation. This is not a PKI-based signature but can be a good alternative next to nothing.

6. Content Searching - Files are scanned using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and indexed to allow searching of files or documents through its content.

7. Store and index multiple file format - Upload, store, and open documents with the following following format: pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, txt, and odt.

8. Graphical monitoring of document routing - routed documents are graphically mapped through line chart and pie chart. This allows effective monitoring of office communications.

9. Edit document through mapped drive
document can be edited through mapped drive or SMB shared drive.

10. Send document to other users - documents can be sent directly to users much like an email. This is ideal for documents to be internally communicated between the staff and manager within the department.

11. Intelligent Document classification using Machine Learning

# Installation on Ubuntu Linux :


#Installation using ISO

1. Download the ISO file from https://osdn.net/projects/e-dokyumento/downloads/73421/edokyumento.iso/

2. Login with root and p@ssword123

3. Move drive folder from /opt to root : "mv /opt/drive /"

4. During installation, delete the drive and create a SWAP and root (/) drives


Username Password Privilege Department/Branch

1. staff-marketing staff@123 STAFF MARKETING
2. manager-finance manager@123 MANAGER FINANCE
3. staff-secretary staff@123 SECRETARY SECRETARY-RECEIVING
4. boss boss@123 GM G.M.
5. boss.wannabe boss@123 EAGM ASST.G.M.

# Credit

1. node-pdfsign

2. @ninja-labs/verify-pdf

3. Tensor Flow and Keras for the Machine Learning

4. Hopding/pdf-lib

5. nisaacson/pdf-extract

6. nextapps-de/flexsearch

7. paulmillr/chokidar

8. schmich/instascan


Databank Umgebung: Other file-based DBMS
Entwicklungsstatus: 4 - Beta
Natürliche Sprache: English
Betriebssystem: Linux, OS Unabhängig
Programmiersprache: JavaScript, Python
Benutzerschnittstelle: Console/Terminal, Web Environment
Register Date: 2020-08-05 14:03