Einfache Projektliste Software-Karte

45607 Projekte im Ergebnis
Letztes Update: 2006-09-01 11:37

LemonLdap for Sympa.org

LemonLdap for Sympa.org is a plugin for the
Sympa.org mailing list
manager which provides an authentication engine
with LemonLDAP.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-06-10 11:46

Minetest Classic

Minetest-Classic is a fork of Minetest-C55, an infinite-world block sandbox game and a game engine, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft and the like. It aims to improve speed, fix bugs, and add features and functionality. The game includes over 400 blocks, craft items, and tools, in both functional and decorative types. Minetest-Classic has a focus on immersive gameplay where in-world mechanisms are preferred over special commands, such as using incinerators instead of a /pulverise command, or craft guides being implemented as part of the in-game book system, rather than as a special menu item. In addition to single player mode, online multi-player is also available.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-06-14 04:25


zUID is a unique ID generator service based on ZeroMQ.

(Machine Translation)
Programmiersprache: C
Themen: Freecode.com
Letztes Update: 2014-06-11 11:34


H2OTpl is an easy to use, fast, and secure PHP template engine that allows you to separate your HTML template code from your PHP code.

(Machine Translation)
Natürliche Sprache: English, French
Programmiersprache: PHP
Themen: Freecode.com
Letztes Update: 2009-08-30 18:25

sshh release II

sshh is a set of two daemons that allows you to maintain a TCP connection if all you have available is an HTTP proxy. It is similar in functionality to httptunnel, but has a few more features. Once you have it set up, sshh will allow you to make connections forward through the proxy or backwards through it, so you can open connections in either direction.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-06-12 12:03

Java Cleanup

Java Cleanup is a interface that allows Java classes to be cleaned up after being garbage collected. It is ideal if you have tried finalize but it didn't work, or if you have read that finalize should not be used, or if you find PhantomReferences to be difficult to maintain.

(Machine Translation)
Programmiersprache: Java
Themen: Freecode.com
Letztes Update: 2014-06-12 12:01


EnumBitSet is a small project offering more functionality with enum types in Java. It is useful if you want to store a set of enums in a single database field. A toLong() method can be used it there are not more than 64 elements in the enum type, or toBigInteger() for enum types of any size.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-06-12 09:03


builders provides an implementation of AI and graphics for making games based on the old Settlers games.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-06-12 09:03


whitequest is an extension on the first Quest for Glory game (Hero's Quest). It introduces a new plot twist based on the characters, game engines, and graphics of the original.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-06-11 11:45

PHP Markdown Parser

PHP Markdown Parser is a PHP class that parses Markdown documents and generates HTML tags. It can operate on a text string or a file.

Letztes Update: 2014-06-11 11:35


The exifdate application allows you to consistently name files taken with different cameras using the creation date and time stored inside the EXIF data in .jpg files. This makes sorting and archiving very easy.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-06-16 11:36


Roadworker is a tool for managing Route53. It allows you to define and update the state of Route53 using a DSL.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2011-10-04 21:48


cppchat is a lightweight, multi-threaded chat server.

(Machine Translation)
Natürliche Sprache: English
Betriebssystem: Linux, Linux
Programmiersprache: C++
Letztes Update: 2010-02-18 12:45


TYPOlight is a content management system (CMS) for people who want a professional Internet presence that is easy to maintain. The structure of the system offers a high security standard and allows you to develop search engine friendly Websites that are also accessible for people with disabilities. Furthermore, the system can be expanded flexibly. Easy management of user rights, the Live Update Service, the modern CSS framework, and many already integrated modules (news, calendar, forms, etc.) have quickly made TYPOlight one of the most popular open source content management systems.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2009-09-24 14:00


LinOTP is a solution for strong two-factor authentication with one time passwords. It includes a FreeRADIUS plugin, an LDAP schema for OpenLDAP, helper utilities, and a C library for database access. You can use LinOTP to authenticate with any software or hardware token which generates one time passwords according to HMAC-OTP (RFC 4226). For example, it can work with Aladdin eToken PASS and Safeword or LSE MobileOTP. Using the FreeRADIUS plugin, LinOTP provides a way for applications and services to use the OTP authentication. Applications with which it has been used include PAM for local and ssh login, Apache HTTPD, VPN, and Windows Terminal Server (via LSE RadiusGINA).

(Machine Translation)