Einfache Projektliste Software-Karte

58242 Projekte im Ergebnis
Letztes Update: 2004-06-03 22:37


gnommind is a Master Mind game for GNOME.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2001-01-30 06:13


This is the first alpha release of Qui-ne-faut, an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) filter written for gcc. It extracts individual characters by computing their outlines, providing a very robust, multi-purpose bitmap-to-outline routine, easily reusable. Characters feed a classification tree to perform actual recognition.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2010-10-27 06:56


annoyme is a program that plays a sound effect every time you hit a key on your keyboard to give you the feeling you are using a real typewriter. This can be used to impress colleagues with your typing skills or just for sentimental reasons. It supports various sound input methods, as well as multiple output libraries like ALSA or AO. Most importantly, it is also possible to add more sound themes. Currently, only input for XEvIE (on an X Server) is supported.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2012-06-19 12:46


public is a library that provides functions for memory allocation, bit arrays, comparing standard C types for qsort and bsearch, error messages, filenames, hash tables, integer sets, log files, NNTP, priority queues, normal queues, editor buffers, stacks, and strings.

(Machine Translation)
Programmiersprache: C
Themen: Freecode.com
Letztes Update: 2009-03-13 21:44


IO::AIO implements fully asynchronous I/O (not
non-blocking I/O) that lets your program stay in
control and interactive even when doing heavy disk
(or other) I/O. It provides asynchronous versions
of read(), write(), open(), stat(), unlink(),
rename(), utime(), readlink(), and most other
standard syscalls as well as interfaces to
sendfile(), readahead(), and other esoteric
syscalls, complete with emulation on systems that
don't support them. It also offers convenience
functions to load whole files and more. It fits
naturally into any event loop model, supports 9
priorities and request grouping.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2013-03-11 20:12


CSS One unifies your CSS stylesheets and images into one file request.

(Machine Translation)
Betriebssystem: MacOSX, Linux, Windows
Themen: Freecode.com
Letztes Update: 2006-08-13 20:45


stygmorgan is interactive musical workstation
software, i.e. an organ with automatic
accompaniment able to create complex musical
sequences. Developed in C++ using FLTK, it uses
the ALSA sequencer to send MIDI messages to
external sound fonts. It uses General MIDI and is
fully configurable to use any kind of sound font.
It can import musical style files in various formats.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2004-10-13 15:19


timespan performs date-based time calculations. It can
calculate days, hours, minutes, or seconds between 1 Jan
1970 and the specified date or between two specified dates.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2001-01-30 06:13


The ROADS software is a collection of tools which can be used in building on-line catalogues of Internet resources. Key features are simple text based resource description format, World-Wide Web forms based resource description editor, WWW and WHOIS++ based search capability, automatic generation of customised views of the catalogue, automatic generation of listings of recently added resources, dynamic browsing of resources in particular subject categories, highly customizable HTML output, distributed indexing and searching across multiple WHOIS++ servers using the Common Indexing Protocol and more.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2007-10-03 10:32


JSON::DWIW is a Perl module that converts Perl
data structures to and from JSON. It does what
most Perl programmers would expect without having
to set any extra options. For example, it converts
objects to their underlying data structures (for
hash or array) and turns IO objects into strings.
It is also faster than the JSON or JSON::Syck
modules on CPAN in the developer's tests.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2009-12-14 15:15

VDB Chinese Chess

VDB Chinese Chess is a Chinese chess program which uses pictures instead of Chinese letters so people who aren't Chinese can play it. 99 levels are supported, and different computer levels can play against each other.

Letztes Update: 2001-08-24 12:49


Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) is a tool that provides a standard API
for invoking services described in Web Services Description Language (WSDL), no
matter how or where the services are provided. The architecture allows new
bindings to be added at run time. WSIF enables developers to interact with
representations of Web services instead of working directly with the Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP) APIs, which is the usual programming model. With
WSIF, developers can work with the same programming model regardless of how the
Web service is implemented and accessed.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2002-04-08 18:17

Aardvark Calculator

Aardvark Calculator is a simplistic RPN calculator, designed to be used via the keyboard rather than the mouse. It supports most basic arithmetic commands, multiple stacks, hexadecimal and decimal integers, and macros.

Letztes Update: 2005-08-15 18:09

GNotary client

The GNotary client is a multi-platform GUI client that allows you to select files via drag and drop from any file manager, create the secure hash sums for each file, and submit the hash list to a list of digital notary servers. Optionally, all selected files can be backed up into a zip archive. It is written in Python and requires the wxPython toolkit.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2005-11-11 08:52


femail provides a sendmail-compatible commandline interface and forwards
mail via SMTP. Unlike many other implementations, it is fully RFC 2821
and 2822 compatible. It embeds extra environment information from Apache
in the header, if present, to help with tracking down abuse. It is
written with security as a main design goal.

(Machine Translation)