
MUSASHI 2004-12-31 20:25 (by machino)

Berry Linux 2004-12-31 17:18 (by sylphia)

DownloadNo ChangeLog/ReleaseNote/Project Description written in this language. Please refer link bellow for other languages and/or other release informations.

Kasumi 2004-12-31 07:08 (by bluedwarf)

Download2004-12-30 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* preparation for release (ver 0.7)

2004-12-28 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* New feature
- incremental search

2004-12-27 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* New feature
- configuration option for default window position

2004-12-21 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* New feature
- flexible default values in various fields

2004-12-20 T...

Ochusha 2004-12-31 04:00 (by fuyu)


Ochusha is a so-called 2ch browser based on GTK+.
It is implemented mainly in C/C++ and employs multi-threading so that it runs considerably quickly. We would like to respond to user's request for features.

XOOPS 2004-12-31 01:03 (by onokazu)

DownloadNo ChangeLog/ReleaseNote/Project Description written in this language. Please refer link bellow for other languages and/or other release informations.


tempest 2004-12-30 22:19 (by ototoi)

DownloadNo ChangeLog/ReleaseNote/Project Description written in this language. Please refer link bellow for other languages and/or other release informations.

DownloadNo ChangeLog/ReleaseNote/Project Description written in this language. Please refer link bellow for other languages and/or other release informations.


SCIM IMEngine 2004-12-29 21:57 (by mukai)

DownloadThis is initial release.

SCIM-SKK is original implementation which enable to input Japanese like ddskk on SCIM.

Truly fundamental features of SKK is now implemented.

These are assumed problems for users of other SKK implementation.
+ It takes some time when scim-skk is loaded.
+ It cannot toggle zenkaku/hankaku of simbol characters and period marks.
+ Tab completion is not implemented.
+ Number conversion is not implemented.
+ Illigal alphabet are displayed on learning of okuri...

Apollo 2004-12-29 19:55 (by moriq)


2004-12-27 moriq
* doc/ap-bin.h 1.15:
* src/version.pas 1.15:
* src/version.txt 1.15:

2004-12-23 moriq
* src/Rubies.pas 1.6:
* src/ruby/wrapimp.pas 1.11:
[ap-dev:1907] for exerb

* src/ext/pgrid/uPropGrid.pas 1.3:
set PropGrid @brush, @font

* doc/ap-bin.h 1.14:
* src/version.pas 1.14:
* src/version.txt 1.14:

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