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Rev. Zeit Autor
4f04f941fd69 2007-03-23 00:27:38 iselllo

I added the code Python-codes/ode4_solver_test.py. It is a very easy
examples about how to use the Python integrate.odeint to solve this time
for a 1st order ODE. As shown in Python-codes/ode3_solver_test.py,
higher order ODE's are solved as a system of 1st order ODE's.

b7bae9fe5845 2007-03-21 06:08:08 iselllo

I modified the code Python-codes/ode3_solver_test.py.
The modifications are trivial (different BC's and no need to define
first x and then say x=t; so I just use t now).

73a577668460 2007-03-21 05:55:05 iselllo

I added the code Python-codes/ode3_solver_test.py, which simply solves
for the harmonic oscillator.

321b69036a41 2007-03-21 05:54:23 iselllo

I added the code Python-codes/ode2_solver_test.py, which is taken from
the numpy tutorial. This code basically performs the integration of the
Airy equation. It is taken from the scipy tutorial, but I am using
different boundary conditions wrt the example.

2957f3555ae8 2007-03-16 17:59:37 iselllo

I added the code Python-codes/BC.py which simply reads a data file and
plots it against an analytical expression.

9018d81a0592 2007-03-15 01:09:29 iselllo

I added the code Python-codes/yd_green.py. It works out Yannis's new
expression for the Green function and the velocity distribution at the
wall. It is also able to read and plot some numerical results for a
better comparison.

74c66bd61599 2007-03-10 00:14:57 iselllo

I added the code postprocess2.py, which is able to work out the average
axial velocity along the whole tube as a function of r (radial
coordinate) on a single snapshot of the velocity field.

08a73f562b8e 2007-03-07 19:57:33 iselllo

I modified the code Python-codes/postprocess.py by adding some extra
functionalities to read & postprocess the output of the DNS simulations.

896c4a6f209d 2007-03-06 02:55:03 iselllo

I added the code Python-codes/postprocess.py which reads some data
arrays and plots out some quantities of interest.

0a993565c0d4 2007-03-05 17:38:14 iselllo

The problems with abs() were due to the bad choice of an initial
parameter. Using a more realistic value, this does not happen any longer
(after setting A1 to 1e8 the problem disappears and I do not need to
use abs(mu1) and abs(myvar1))

b21f851f7097 2007-03-04 05:18:31 iselllo

I modified the code Python-codes/read-and-plot.py simply by turning into
a comment a part I did not need any longer (the definition of peval)

afab6d2ac52f 2007-03-03 04:37:06 iselllo

I updated the code in Python-codes/read-and-plot.py. Now I do not have
to raise the mean mu and the standard deviation myvar1 to the second
power to avoid problems. I just expressed use abs(mu1) and abs(myvar1)
in the fitting function. I now get the same results as before and as
when using R, which means that a log of a negative number is most likely
the origin of these problems.

f6b1e40a8c39 2007-03-02 08:57:20 iselllo

I added the Python code Python-codes/read-and-plot.py. This code reads a
.csv file and fits the data to a log-normal distribution. The results
are fundamentally identical to those I get using R.
NB: the code does not work if I write down a log-normal distribution in
the usual way (still investigating). I need to write the mean and std of
the distribution as something squared and then the code works OK.

b27fc5019b73 2007-02-23 23:01:23 iselllo

I created a folder for Python scripts and a readme file to keep better
track of them

6c5f3136a6b2 2007-02-23 01:07:05 iselllo

I updated the R-codes/readme file with the description the
R-codes/nls-LM-read-and-plot.R file.

4cbbc2acfa16 2007-02-23 01:05:03 iselllo

I slightly modified the file R-codes/nls-LM-read-and-plot.R. Now the
labelling of the axis in the main plots (mu and sigma) is clearer and
the means and standard deviations of the distributions are saved in
separate .csv files.

c6ba2f77d41a 2007-02-14 03:20:40 iselllo

I added the file R-codes/nls-LM-read-and-plot.R. This file simply fits a
single-mode log-normal distribution using the LM alghoritm (as other
codes used to do), but it also reads and plots the results for multiple
distributions (so it can handle several distributions simultaneously)

85b45a0445b0 2007-02-06 01:09:29 iselllo

I added the code R-codes/green.R which works out the Milne extrapolation
length both for a pulse source and a steady-source. I updated the readme
file by adding a brief note for the code R-codes/green.R.

87fd245b7a26 2007-02-01 19:57:14 iselllo

This time some trivial modifications to R-codes/plot-boundary.R. I
simply estimates the deposition velocity using some expressions in

d5e949d51916 2007-01-31 00:11:36 iselllo

Another major modification to the code R-codes/plot-boundary.R which is
now able to read sequentially temperature and concentration profiles to work out the
deposition rate or efficiency.

14bab3c9776b 2007-01-30 20:37:41 iselllo

This time a major update of the code R-codes/plot-boundary.R. Now the
code is able to read a velocity profile and a concentration profile and
work out the axial flux considering separately the contributions of the
layer and of the core. Careful about the input data files: temperature
and velocities may be defined on different domains and have a different
number of non-zero elements.

9ae8f6008c65 2007-01-30 18:40:27 iselllo

Again a small correction to R-codes/plot-boundary.R

7756b7d94809 2007-01-30 18:36:28 iselllo

I modified slightly the code R-codes/plot-boundary.R by correcting what
was probably a small bug.

e50568c7ee37 2007-01-27 00:29:42 iselllo

I modified the project VELA/CVS-and-anaconda.mph. My modifications
amount to de-activating the artificial diffusion terms in the k-epsilon
model inside the anaconda tube and to fix by hand two singular points in
the subsequent thermal analysis.
The singular point were located at the interface between the fluid and
the diaphragm and at the final restriction of the CVS. My previous tests
ran on the CVS alons show that these singularities are unable to modify
globally the solution, but one should be aware that they exist and that
they have been fixed by hand.
I am not solving the problem of thermal transport in the boundary layer
close to the wall neither in the CVS nor in the anaconda.

c1acac554b4a 2007-01-26 22:51:47 iselllo

Again I modified the project VELA/anaconda.mph. This is to prove that in
the end of the day the choice of whether seeing the problem as highly
nonlinear or not does not matter (nor probably does the exact width of
the boundary layer). What rather matters is whether I activate the extra
diffusion terms or not (it definitely seems that the thermal analysis
give better results without any artificial diffusion active).

a723ee777e0a 2007-01-26 22:20:26 iselllo

I solved again the problem for the CVS but with a thickness of the
boundary layer which is now 2.5 mm. Actually the problem is not the
tickness of the layer itself but either the artificial diffusion which
is activated or the fact that I am solving the equations by ticking the
highly nonlinear problem option.

4cd870a3e53d 2007-01-26 18:26:34 iselllo

I modified the project VELA/anaconda.mph in order to make some
comparison with the velocity inside the anaconda in the anaconda-and-CVS
project. I slightly changed the width of the boundary layer (from 2.5 to
3 mm) and I also activated some terms in the artificial diffusion
(which were de-activated previously).

30b561e7e85a 2007-01-26 08:31:27 iselllo

I renamed the workspace VELA/test-grid-square2-bis+anaconda.mph which is
now called VELA/CVS-and-anaconda.mph

04f0869059a2 2007-01-26 08:29:16 iselllo

I added the missing pdf files insice vela2-document

2116beca5d43 2007-01-26 08:27:23 iselllo

I messed up slightly the content of vela2-document, but I am going to
fix it by re-adding the pdf files