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Rev. Zeit Autor
1f82eb74b773 2007-06-21 23:41:05 iselllo

I modified kernel-test.py. Now the code considers several differen cases
when going to different limits (continuum vs free kernel) to test the
Fuchs approximation.

08d2465fd7b8 2007-06-21 17:39:15 iselllo

I added the code air-mean-free-path.py which works out the mean-free
path of air molecules. Formulas for interpolations taken from Comsol and

6d73e7212a7a 2007-06-21 17:24:33 iselllo

I modified lognormal_binning.R. Now the code works out a similar test to
rebuild the initial state and plot it against the experimental data (as
it used to do for the final state. The plotted initial state is without
any correction to the overall particle number in order to ease the

7d5c22ef7da1 2007-06-21 03:15:32 iselllo

I polished a bit kernel-test.py and added a second (equivalent)
calculation of the continuum kernel including a correction for the slip.

d3177f0a3db3 2007-06-21 03:02:03 iselllo

I modified smoluchowski2.py by adding Fuchs interpolation formula both
including and excluding a slip correction.

4acfcbef1069 2007-06-21 02:04:38 iselllo

I added the new code kernel-test.py which implements Fuchs interpolation
formula as in the book by Seinfeld and Pandis, but without the typo. In
the case of the calculation without including the slip, in the limits
for large and small particles the kernel tends to the continuum and free
molecular limit, respectively. I also added the slip correction to the
kernel (see expression for the kernel in the equation for D_i on page
661 of the book of Seinfield and Pandis).

f5a5660c56cb 2007-06-21 01:59:31 iselllo

I modified lognormal_binning.R so that now it calculates mean volumes
and mean diameters in each bin in a consistent way even for fractal
dimension D_f!=3.

1f13f0e9ceee 2007-06-14 19:55:58 iselllo

I added to the code read_results_smoluchowsky_single_simulation.R the
capability to make a 3D plot of the number-size distribution as a
function of time and log(D_p), where D_p is the particle diameter.

b9ec2789e2c1 2007-06-14 00:17:07 iselllo

I corrected the a wrong printout in

963e8a0c7e01 2007-06-14 00:06:55 iselllo

I modified read_results_smoluchowsky_single_simulation.R. It now plots
some extra quantities and it reads directly some parameters (like the
fractal dimension or the size of the primary particles).

548001fc24e9 2007-06-13 17:48:31 iselllo

I fixed some bug in lognormal_binning.R. Now I correctly generate a set
of diameters in [D_min,D_max] which are log spaced.

001a27c28856 2007-06-13 01:48:44 iselllo

Some modifications to smoluchowski2.py which now reads directly e.g. the
fractal dimension as saved from the R code lognormal.R.

64e78ea1639f 2007-06-13 01:47:39 iselllo

I modified lognormal_binning.R. It now saves better the data to pass to
the Python code to solve Smoluchowsky equation (this code has been
modified as well).

9cf1e11406dc 2007-06-12 07:13:26 iselllo

I modified lognormal_binning.R. Now it properly treats the fractal
dimension D_f and correctly calculated the volume of solid in each bin.

f1ff6d604370 2007-06-12 07:11:34 iselllo

I modified smoluchowski2.py. Now the kernel for the free molecule regime
is correct and it reads the size of the fundamental monomer (it plays a
role only in case D_f != 3).

fa6659c4f201 2007-06-11 17:37:22 iselllo

I modified lognormal_binning.R. Now the code also calculates the volume
of the initial and final state and check that it is preserved.

17ff9b49ad27 2007-06-10 22:17:06 iselllo

I modified lognormal_binning.R by correcting a small bug leading to
saving the wrong (badly scaled) volume grid ("V_list") when a uniform
binning was chosen.

f948da813870 2007-06-09 01:16:42 iselllo

I changed the code read_results_smoluchowsky_single_simulation.R. The
code does not do anything with the value of the fractal dimension right
now, which is the reason why I removed it.

76f3ed294838 2007-06-09 00:36:07 iselllo

I modified the code smoluchowski2.py. I simply removed a trivial typo.

8e0c0e213b1f 2007-06-09 00:19:01 iselllo

I modified again the codes read_results_smoluchowsky_single_simulation.R
and lognormal_binning.R. Now both of them should be correct and be able
to treat correctly the diamter and the volume, both in case of a
log-normal and uniform grid.

c2c0d770902e 2007-06-08 21:38:30 iselllo

I re-modified the code R-codes/lognormal_binning.R. I think I solved its
previous problems. Now the code treats the diameters (which are
completely independent on the fractal dimension) as the truly
independent variable and everything else is built upon them. The
conversion factors (nm--->m and nm^3--->m^3) should now have been fixed.

4a6ce3bf1b00 2007-06-08 19:15:17 iselllo

I modified the code R-codes/lognormal_binning.R. Probably the previous
commitment I made was a mistake (somehow the code had a bug and was
misbehaving for fractal dimension D_f != 3). Now this appears to have
been fixed, but better to keep a watchful eye on this code.

ab70802d2f34 2007-06-06 02:49:38 iselllo

I modified the code
R-codes/read_results_smoluchowsky_single_simulation.R. Now it should
work also with a fractal dimension, but I had to fix some conversion
factor (mainly, when going from nm to meters, I had to perform the
replacement: 10^9--->10^(27/D_f), where D_f is the fractal dimension of
the agglomerate).

b4b67ccc0f28 2007-06-06 02:46:55 iselllo

I modified the code R-codes/lognormal_binning.R. I fixed some bugs which
appeared when I was using the fractal dimension, in particular
everything was due to some conversion factors I was using (mainly I had
to perform the replacement 10^9--->10^(27/D_f), where D_f is the fractal
dimension of the agglomerate). Now it seems to work but CHECK very

4baeeac3c87f 2007-06-04 22:46:46 iselllo

I modified the code
R-codes/read_results_smoluchowsky_single_simulation.R. The code is now
able to deal with a fractal dimension and a small bug in a plot got
corrected. Also the code to generate the binning is able to deal with
the fractal dimension by now.

631991c21470 2007-06-04 22:42:35 iselllo

I modified the code R-codes/lognormal_binning.R. Now the code is also
able to create a set of log-normally distributed bins (this turns out
to be very convenient if we want to sample a log-normal distribution).

901c8274ec5e 2007-06-04 22:38:15 iselllo

I modified the code Python-codes/smoluchowski2.py. Now the code is able
to solve smoluchowsky equation also for a non-uniform binning (mainly a
logarithmic binning at this point) and uses the expression for
smoluchowsky equation taken from the paper by Garrick. It is worth
pointing out that some old functions have been removed (they were no
longer needed since the optimized versions are used) and there are still
3 implementations of the splitting coefficients (only one of them [the
one with _garrick] is needed, the other two were simply a test to make
sure I could use properly the "where" function from scipy).

6414118de6be 2007-05-31 18:48:52 iselllo

I modified the code
R-codes/read_results_smoluchowsky_single_simulation.R. Nothing
substantial, but now it can work out the shape function of the
self-similar distribution.

7790a65c9722 2007-05-31 18:44:05 iselllo

slight (unsubstantial) modification of the code

8c9280b7cfc0 2007-05-30 18:15:10 iselllo

I modified the code
R-codes/read_results_smoluchowsky_single_simulation.R. It now plots
automatically the psi_eta at 4 different times during the evolution and
it does not work plot psi_eta vs the diameter.