xplain2sql converts files from Xplain to SQL. It supports a very large subset of Xplain, and it can convert from Xplain to Microsoft SQL Server, DB/2,
Inprise InterBase, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL 5, SQLite 3 or ANSI-92 SQL. It can also generate an XML description of the generated SQL. This XML description can be used to create low-level middle-tier code. Example stylesheets for Eiffel/ECLI and Delphi/ADO are included. The C source code release should compile on any platform with an ANSI C compiler. There are binary releases for FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris x86, and Windows 2000.
Verwandte ProjekteDeSmuME, MergeDoc, Properties Editor, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SmillaEnlarger |
Tin Can Jukebox is a very fast, full-featured, Web
based jukebox that can securely stream large MP3
collections over the Internet to multiple users.
Features include many browsing modes, dynamic
downsampling, playists, language packs, and user
access control.
Verwandte ProjekteMeCab, Shiira, ギコナビ, bbs2chreader, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
SPTK (Simply Powerful Toolkit) is a cross-platform
toolkit that provides a set of C++ classes for
fast and easy application development. It provides
GUI components that use FLTK, and features
database support with seamless connection to GUI
components. There are drivers for use of SQLite
and PostgreSQL directly, as well as support for
other database engines through UnixODBC. SPTK
includes many classes for working with strings,
dynamic arrays, and maps, and is faster and has a
smaller footprint than STL. It also supports
reading, writing, and creating Excel 7 files,
high-level GUI components with dataset support,
support for automatic layouts, and support for
Verwandte ProjekteTuxGuitar, DeSmuME, Properties Editor, blanco Framework, Amateras |
Java Ultra-Lite Persistence is an RDBMS-independent object-relational library. It features inheritance, many classes per table, many tables per class, optimistic concurrency, and simple mappings, etc.
Verwandte ProjekteMinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, MeCab, SharpDevelop-jp, Properties Editor, Win32 Disk Imager |
The goal of dzo is to treat application database objects the same way the application's source code is treated, with respect to development, revision control, and deployment. Dzo uses a text file that contains native create statements for all database objects and compares them against the actual database-schema. As a result, dzo creates the SQL statements needed to update the database schema (or you can let dzo execute the SQL statements directly). If your application lives in a Tomcat or Java EE application server, dzo has a servlet that controls the deployment process, inspects and executes the necessary database changes, and finally deploys the application. Dzo currently works with HSQLDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server (more to come).
Verwandte ProjekteMeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, Win32 Disk Imager, TERASOLUNA Framework, Amateras |
Geolizer is a patch for Webalizer that uses the
GeoIP library to generate faster and more reliable
geographic statistics than the default DNS suffix
method. It is recommended that DNS reversal be
disabled on your HTTP server for improved
performance and more accurate statistics. It also
supports country flag pictures, can be compiled
under MinGW/MSYS, and features a human-readable
transfer size display.
Verwandte ProjekteDarik's Boot and Nuke, Clonezilla, TOMBO, SmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar |
MckoiDDB is a distributed database system for applications that need to support low latency random access (read and write) queries on datasets that span a cluster of machines in a network. The software provides the system for managing the storage of data over the network cluster and a client API for accessing and querying the data. The MckoiDDB system can scale up or down as resources are added or removed in the network, and is flexible in how the logical data models of an application are designed and implemented. MckoiDDB can be installed on high-speed private networks and over instances in Cloud service providers.
Verwandte ProjekteTritonn, DeSmuME, pg_bigm, SmillaEnlarger, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
SwingSet is an Java toolkit that contains data-aware replacements for many of the standard Java Swing components. It currently includes replacements for JTextField, JTextArea, JComboBox, JCheckBox, JSlider, and JLabel. There is also an image component, a graphical record navigator, and a data grid component. All of the primary components are available as JavaBeans.
Verwandte Projektepg_bigm, DBViewer Plugin for Eclipse 開発プロジェクト, blanco Framework, MeCab, MPC-BE |
LiteSQL is a C++ library that integrates C++
objects tightly to a relational database and thus
provides an object persistence layer. LiteSQL
supports SQLite3, PostgreSQL, and MySQL as
backends. LiteSQL creates tables, indexes, and
sequences to database and upgrades schema when
needed. In addition to object persistence, LiteSQL
provides object relations which can be used to
model any kind of C++ data structures. Objects can
be selected, filtered, and ordered using a
template- and class-based API with type checking
at compile time.
Verwandte ProjekteMinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab, MergeDoc, Amateras |
mysql-diff is a commandline database structure comparator. It compares the structure of two databases. It currently works with MySQL. A database can be specified as an SQL script or as an URL to a running database. So the tool can compare two scripts, two live databases, or a database and a script. The tool outputs SQL DDL script that can be used to convert one schema to another.
Verwandte ProjekteCosmoDB, pg_bigm, Darik's Boot and Nuke, blanco Framework, SmillaEnlarger |
DBOW is a database compiler-compiler or front-end. It takes table definitions in a relatively high-level language and prepares C, C++, PHP, and Perl functions for manipulating the database. It will also produce SQL table data for MySQL or others. It automatically produces code to insert, delete, update, and search the database, stuffing a C or PHP struct with the results.
Verwandte ProjekteDumpper v.60.3, Amateras, MergeDoc, MeCab, Win32 Disk Imager |
MySQL Administrator is a powerful visual administration console for MySQL, which allows the user to easily administer their MySQL environment, and gain better visibility of how their databases are operating. It is available with native GUI interfaces for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Verwandte ProjekteiReport-Designer for JasperReports, SmillaEnlarger, Linux-HA Japan, Hinemos, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
Aubit 4GL compiler is a programming language based on (and compatible with) Informix-4GL. It provides an easy way to generate screen/form based programs, since statements for handling Windows, Forms, Menus, SQL, and similar are built-in. With support for SQL statements forming an intrinsic part of the language, it's especially suitable for developing database-oriented applications. Database connectivity is provided for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Informix, and others via ODBC. It supports both ncurses (console mode) and GTK+ (GUI mode) output.
Verwandte ProjekteMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, MeCab, MergeDoc, Win32 Disk Imager |
Support Information Tracker is a knowledge base for organizations. Features include multiple document versions, group permissions, document submission reviews, and many more.
Verwandte ProjekteMeCab, NDOC日本語版, pg_bigm, DBViewer Plugin for Eclipse 開発プロジェクト, MPC-BE |
Scriptella is an Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) and
script execution tool. Its primary focus is
simplicity. It doesn't require the user to learn
another complex XML-based language to use it, but
allows the use of SQL or another scripting
language suitable for the data source to perform
required transformations.
Verwandte ProjekteDumpper v.60.3, blanco Framework, Properties Editor, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab |