PCGen is a Java (1.5+) -based character generator aimed at supporting OGL role playing games like those based upon the SRD, RSRD, and MSRD (such as Dungeons and Dragons). It is highly configurable by the users, allowing the Game Master to add or remove races, classes, feats, etc., and to implement house rules such as differing class or race restrictions. Level advancement is also supported, with configurable progressions of feats, skills and ability score bonuses. For "at the table" support, PCGen offers a set of GM plugins. Further options allow the user to produce a customized character sheet, which can then be viewed in, or printed from, the user's WWW browser. It can also produce a "party" sheet with the information needed by the GM.
Verwandte ProjekteDumpper v.60.3, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab, MAME32jp, unofficial gpSP kai |
The Vexi Platform is used for creating and deploying rich user interfaces for Internet/intranet applications that look and feel like native applications. Vexi uses a combination of a subset of XML and Javascript to provide a simple API for the development of interactive visual components. Vexi provides an intuitive, themable widget set, created using this API. Vexi interfaces then communicate with server applications through XML-RPC or SOAP.
Verwandte ProjekteAmateras, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab, Properties Editor, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
OpenBlueLab is an ERP designed through UML models using an MDA approach. Each business domain (such as Financial, Sales/CRM, HCM, PLM, or SCM) is separated into subdomains which are designed through models. Theses models are interconnected through common classes and workflows. It is generated for Alfresco, but could be generated for other frameworks.
Verwandte ProjekteMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, OpenOffice.org 独自ビルドプロジェクト, MeCab, MPC-BE, グループウェア 「Aipo」 |
The klish is a framework for implementing Cisco-like command-line interfaces on Unix systems. It is configurable through XML files. "Klish" stands for "Kommand Line Interface SHell". The klish is a fork of clish-0.7.3. The original clish was developed by Graeme McKerrell. The klish adds some new features, but is compatible (as much as possible) with clish's XML configuration files.
Verwandte ProjekteSmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, TuxGuitar, openGion Project, GSFinder+ for W-ZERO3 |
Arcavias is an e-commerce framework for Web shops, consisting of an e-commerce library, an administration interface, and different frontends. It's a modular stack which offers flexibility and speed. Unlike other Web shops, it's not a monolithic application. Instead, you have a choice between several user frontends, and you can adapt them to your needs or write one of your own.
Verwandte ProjekteEthna, BlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack, Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME, Paraselene - Java Webアプリケーション フレームワーク |
xmlto converts an XML file (DocBook or XSL-FO) into a specified format (PS, PDF, HTML, man, ASCII, XSL-FO, etc.) by applying an appropriate XSL-T stylesheet and then performing whatever post-processing is necessary.
Verwandte ProjekteMeCab, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3, Anthy |
The adventure PHP framework (APF) is a utility to implement object oriented and generic PHP Web applications. It allows the developer to create programs in compliance with approved software design patterns, and the code base already has answers to many everyday problems. The framework cannot be described as an application that only has to be configured, but rather as a technical basis and design guide for the design of software. Further, it introduced many concepts and efficiency tools already well known in the Java community.
Verwandte ProjekteSmillaEnlarger, DeSmuME, TuxGuitar, Properties Editor, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
DDMSence (pronounced "dee-dee-em-Essence") is the only Java library that fully supports the DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS). It provides a complete implementation of the DDMS specification using any DDMS version between 2.0 and 5.0. Validation is performed according to both the schema and the specification, and custom validation rules can be defined with ISO Schematron.
Verwandte ProjekteTuxGuitar, SmillaEnlarger, Properties Editor, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SharpDevelop-jp |
Raptor is a C library providing a set of parsers and
serializers for Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples by parsing syntaxes into RDF triples and serializing triples into a syntax. The parsers support RDF/XML, N-Triples, GRDDL, and Turtle, and via RSS tag soup: XML RSS, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0. The serializers support
RDF/XML (3 flavours), Turtle, DOT, N-Triples, RSS 1.0, and Atom 1.0. Raptor handles RDF/XML as used by RDF applications such as RSS 1.0, FOAF, DOAP, Dublin Core, and OWL. It can use either expat or libxml2 for XML parsing, libcurl when available for URI retrieval, and is portable to many POSIX systems.
Verwandte ProjekteProperties Editor, MeCab, Amateras, Win32 Disk Imager, SharpDevelop-jp |
OOoPy is a Python library for modifying
OpenOffice.org documents. It provides a set of
transformations on the OOo XML format using the
ElementTree XML Library. Transformations included
are a mail merge application and the concatenation
of documents with formatting
intact. The framework supports easy creation of
new transformations.
Verwandte ProjekteProperties Editor, OpenOffice.org document project by oooug.jp , Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, Win32 Disk Imager |
Groovy is an agile, dynamic language for the JVM which combines many features from languages like Python, Ruby, and Smalltalk and makes them available to Java developers using a Java-like syntax. It is designed to help get things done on the Java platform in a quicker, more concise, and fun way. It can be used as an alternative compiler to javac to generate standard Java bytecode to be used by any Java project or it can be used dynamically as an alternative language, such as for scripting Java objects, templating, or writing unit test cases.
Verwandte ProjekteDeSmuME, Amateras, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, MeCab, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
XML Configuration File Editor (XCFE) is a Web service to update an XML configuration file.
It allows the user to set all parameters defined in the CSV configuration files.
It can be used with the minimalist webserver WebConfig or with an Apache server and its PHP
Verwandte ProjektePrimeFaces-ja, DeSmuME, YANMAH2 - 携帯端末のための代替, SmillaEnlarger, RSS generator for the security holes memo |
phpHtmlLib is an application development framework for developing OOP style Web applications in PHP. The application framework supports an MVC style architecture and Ajaxable and Cacheable interfaces for developing rich client Web applications. It comtains a set of PHP classes and library functions to help facilitate building, debugging, and rendering of XML, HTML, XHTML, WAP/WML Documents, and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images as well as complex HTML widgets.
Verwandte ProjekteMergeDoc, Properties Editor, XOOPS, Win32 Disk Imager, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Mini-XML is a small XML parsing library that you can use to read XML and XML-like data files in your application without requiring large non-standard libraries. It only requires an ANSI C compatible compiler (GCC works, as do most vendors' ANSI C compilers) and a "make" program. It supports reading of UTF-8 and UTF-16 and writing of UTF-8 encoded XML strings and files, and provides a hierarchical view of the file via a linked-list tree structure of typed nodes and functions for managing, traversing, indexing, and searching the tree.
Verwandte ProjekteMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, SharpDevelop-jp, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Amateras, MeCab |
Xerces2 is the next generation Apache Xerces-J XML parser. This version of Xerces-J defines the Xerces Native Interface (XNI), and provides a complete, standards compliant reference implementation using XNI. The parser was completely re-designed and re-implemented to be simpler and more modular. To help contribute to this project, visit the Apache Xerces Project Webpage (http://xerces.apache.org) and join the j-dev@xerces.apache.org mailing list.
Verwandte ProjekteiReport-Designer for JasperReports, Darik's Boot and Nuke, ChaSen legacy, nkf Network Kanji Filter, TuxGuitar |