Einfache Projektliste Software-Karte

622 Projekte im Ergebnis
Letztes Update: 2014-03-10 18:54


Gollem is a Web-based file manager that provides the ability to fully manage a hierarchical file system stored in a variety of backends such as a SQL database, as part of a real filesystem, or on FTP, Samba or SSH servers. It supports uploading and downloading of files, basic file operations, permissions support, and MIME recognition and viewing of files through the Horde MIME library. It is fully internationalized and translatable.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2013-06-10 14:45


Newscoop (formerly known as Campsite) is an open content management system for professional journalists. Features for the modern newsroom include multiple author management, issue-and-section based publishing, geolocation, and multilingual content management. The enterprise-standard journalist’s dashboard and a templating engine supporting anything from HTML5 to mobile complete this fast production and publishing system.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-04-15 12:09

Knot DNS

Knot DNS is a high performance authoritative-only DNS server. It supports all key features of the domain name system including zone transfers, dynamic updates, and DNSSEC.

(Machine Translation)
Natürliche Sprache: Czech, English
Betriebssystem: FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux
Programmiersprache: C
Letztes Update: 2013-11-24 19:09

X File Explorer

X File Explorer (Xfe) is a filemanager for X. It
is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win
Commander. Xfe is desktop independent and is
written with the C++ Fox Toolkit. It looks similar
to Windows Commander or MS-Explorer, and is very
fast and simple. It features file associations,
the ability to mount/umount devices, a directory
tree for quickly changing directories, the ability
to change file attributes, automatic registry
saving, the ability to view/create/extract
compressed archives, and much more.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2007-01-06 13:55

Auto Directory Index PHP Script

AutoIndex is a PHP script that makes a table that lists the files in a directory, and lets users access the files and subdirectories. It includes searching, icons for each file type, an admin panel, uploads, access logging, file descriptions, and more.

Letztes Update: 2014-03-11 22:33


Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music editor with built-in MIDI player and PDF preview. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use.

Letztes Update: 2014-06-09 21:06


F*EX (Frams' Fast File EXchange) is a Web based service for sending very big files from one person to another. The sender uploads the file to the F*EX server and the recipient automatically gets a notification email with a download URL. Files are automatically deleted after download or an expiration date. The recipient and sender only need an email program and a Web browser. Sending to multiple recipients needs storage on the server only once. In contrast with other file transfer services, it has no file size limits at all and comes with shell tools for scripting up/downloading.

Letztes Update: 2011-11-14 19:43


Mixxx is software for DJs that provides everything needed to create live mixes. It allows you to beatmatch songs and crossfade them together, like you would with turntables and a mixer. It runs without any extra hardware, and offers a wide range of advanced features including comprehensive MIDI controller and vinyl control support. To obtain the lowest latency and highest responsiveness, it uses hardware video acceleration and takes advantage of multi-core CPUs.

Letztes Update: 2011-01-17 22:57


Newscoop is an open content management system for professional journalists. Features for the modern newsroom include multiple author management, issue-and-section based publishing, geolocation, and multilingual content management. The enterprise-standard journalist’s dashboard and a templating engine supporting anything from HTML5 to mobile complete this fast production and publishing system.

Letztes Update: 2013-01-15 01:39


class.upload.php manages file uploads for you. It manages the uploaded file and allows you to do whatever you want with the file as many times as you want. If the file is an image, you can convert and resize it, rotate it, crop it in many ways. You can also add borders, frames, bevels, text labels, and watermarks or apply graphic filters such as unsharp mask, contrast or brightness correction, colorization, negative, greyscale, reflections, and more. Security features and file management functions are provided. Flash uploaders and XMLHttpRequest uploads are supported. The class can also work on local files, is useful for batch processing, and can circumvent open_basedir restrictions. Files can be output directly to the browser. The error messages are internationalized, and translations provided. It is compatible with PHP 4 and 5.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-02-01 22:51


Lifeograph is a personal journal and note taking application. It offers all standard features expected from a diary application, along with some unique ones, in a light-weight and intuitive package.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2013-07-22 21:53


KeePass is a light-weight and easy-to-use password manager that removes the need for you to remember many different passwords and makes it more feasible to use different passwords for each account. It manages your passwords in a secure database encrypted with AES and Twofish, which is locked with one master key or a key file.

Letztes Update: 2011-03-18 20:28


Qucs is a circuit simulator with a graphical user

  1. It aims to support all kinds of

circuit simulation types, including DC, AC, S-parameter, and harmonic balance analysis.

Letztes Update: 2013-12-05 22:19


WebIssues is a multi-platform system for issue tracking and team collaboration. It can be used to store, share, and track issues with various attributes, description, comments, and file attachments. It is easy to install and use but has many capabilities and is highly customizable. Desktop and Web clients are provided.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2013-03-01 22:03


MuseScore lets you notate and compose music easily with your keyboard, your mouse, or a MIDI keyboard. You can print beautifully engraved sheet music or export it as PDF or PNG. You can play your score, transpose it, and save it as audio or MIDI file. MuseScore also supports MusicXML to let you share your composition with other scorewriters. MuseScore is often advertised as a cost effective alternative for Sibelius and Finale.