Einfache Projektliste Software-Karte

Apache License V2.0
786 Projekte im Ergebnis

NHocr: OCR engine for Japanese language

NHocr is a command line OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program for Japanese language, etc. It has been designed to recognize machine-printed Japanese characters and some ASCII characters/symbols in an image. NHocr is probably the first Open Source Japanese OCR software (offline, machine-printed), except some experimental, partial codes open to academic communities.

The main repository, originally at Google Code, has been migrated to here. Older versions can be found at Google Code.

You can test-drive NHocr using the following:
* Japanese character recognition WeOCR service
* Capture2Text

Entwicklungsstatus: 4 - Beta
Zielbenutzer: Entwickler, End Users/Desktop
Natürliche Sprache: English, Japanese
Betriebssystem: Linux, SunOS/Solaris
Programmiersprache: C++
Benutzerschnittstelle: Console (Text Based)
Register Date: 2008-09-10 12:13
Letztes Update: 2012-11-29 23:05


ManjyuRss is a Free RSS 2.0 Library for Java. ManjyuRss require Java 1.5 or later. ManjyuRss depends Java SE API only. Using ManjyuRss, read and write RSS 2.0 in small memory footprint.

Letztes Update: 2010-08-16 15:15

PHPフレームワーク framework-spide


Entwicklungsstatus: 2 - Pre-Alpha, 5 - Produktion / stabil
Zielbenutzer: Entwickler
Natürliche Sprache: English, Japanese
Betriebssystem: Linux, Windows, OS Unabhängig
Programmiersprache: PHP
Benutzerschnittstelle: Web Environment
Register Date: 2008-12-27 15:12
Letztes Update: 2011-06-05 00:14





  1. 文書内に含まれる単語数などを管理する言語モデル(LangModel)。情報統計を行う実際の文書を、まずこの形式に変換します。
  2. 語幹解釈クラス(Stemmer)。主語や時制により変化する単語の形式を、統計を取りやすくするために標準的な形式に変換します。
  3. 評価値算出クラス(ScoringMethod)。言語モデルに対して、クエリを適用した時の評価値を算出します。
Register Date: 2011-05-21 22:55


Endless Hosting's web app, it can actively open a connection to both WHM/cPanel

Register Date: 2018-09-23 01:59

Go Echo examples

Examples of usage of the Go Echo web framework.

Register Date: 2020-05-10 23:08
Letztes Update: 2023-01-01 02:02

KudProject Development

Yet another Android development project, targetting various Android devices.

Website: https://project.wafuu.id/

GitHub: https://github.com/KudProject

GitLab: https://gitlab.com/KudProject

Telegram: https://t.me/KudProject

Register Date: 2019-04-07 00:04



Register Date: 2019-06-01 20:16
Letztes Update: 2021-06-29 00:37

Hycon OS

Download Hycon OS official builds here , flash them & enjoy ;)

Register Date: 2021-01-31 17:36
Letztes Update: 2011-05-06 14:01


WSJS(Web Service for JavaScript)はajaxベースのWebアプリをサーバ側も含め全てJavaScriptで実装しサーバ負荷の低減と開発コストの低減の両方を目的とするGAE向けフレームワークです。

Entwicklungsstatus: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Natürliche Sprache: Japanese
Betriebssystem: OS Unabhängig
Programmiersprache: Java
Benutzerschnittstelle: Web Environment
Register Date: 2011-05-04 20:53


JavaによるCコンパイラの実装です。 ネイティブのコードを出力するようにしたいと思います。

Register Date: 2013-03-15 09:52


Minecraft MOD開発用

Entwicklungsstatus: 1 - Planung
Natürliche Sprache: Japanese
Betriebssystem: OS Unabhängig
Programmiersprache: Java
Benutzerschnittstelle: Other Environment
Register Date: 2015-05-22 22:17



Register Date: 2009-03-15 14:03

Portable Assembler Framework

Portable Assembler Framework operates on C source codes. Inspired by C Intermediate Language (CIL) and its applications, namely Continuation Passing C (CPC) and CCured.

This is an early draft.

The project aims to be highly portable. At the same time code quality is desired. For that purpose AdaMagic compatibility is chosen. AdaMagic is a translator of Ada into C/C++, but it is stuck in Ada 95, and Ada 95 is missing built-in containers, UTF conversions and some other stuff. Other Ada developers don't bother with Ada 95 compatibility, so Ada 95 stuff is often outdated. Also the license is not good sometimes. It was decided not to use outdated container libraries and go own way instead. So some foundational stuff is reimplemented in Ada 95, and on top of that it will be possible to experiment with parsing and processing.

Register Date: 2019-09-10 21:53


Jacob Deery @ City College Plymouth, Assignment for SOFT110

Register Date: 2019-12-23 06:05