

This project has been moved to GitHub.

A base library, base team, and related tools for The RoboCup Soccer Simulation.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert

Veröffentlicht: 2009-03-24 15:50
soccerwindow2 4.0.0 (2 files Verstecken)


* Supported librcsc-3.0.x.

* Supported the game log version 5 and the monitor protocol version

* Supported stamina capacity information painting.

* Implemented simple trainer client interfaces. Now, users can
change playmode using soccerwindow2 if rcssserver is running on
the trainer mode.

* Added '--show-pointto' option.

* Fixed a defect of msginfo parsing.

* Fixed compilation problems on some platforms.

* librcsc-3.0.xをサポートした.

* ゲームログバージョン5,モニタプロトコルバージョン4をサポートした.

* スタミナキャパシティ情報の描画をサポートした.

* シンプルなトレーナクライアントインタフェースを追加した.rcssserver

* '--show-pointto'オプションを追加した.

* msginfoのパース処理の不具合を修正した.

* いくつかの環境でのコンパイルの問題を修正した.


2009-03-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated a version number string. official release 4.0.0.

* m4:
* m4/ax_boost_base.m4:
* m4/ax_boost_signals.m4:
* m4/qt.m4:
* m4/wxwin.m4:
* config/ax_boost_base.m4:
* config/ax_boost_signals.m4:
* config/qt.m4:
* config/wxwin.m4:
* NEWS.en:
* README.en:
- Now, NEWS file and README file are written in Japanese.
- added English version NEWS file and README file.
- moved M4 macro files from config to m4.
- added missing XPM files to the distribution target.

* config/qt.m4:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.
- supported QGLWidget.

2009-03-16 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/
* src/qt4/
- fixed build problems on OSX.

2009-03-13 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/
- fixed an include path.

2008-12-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/
* src/qt3/color_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/draw_config.cpp:
* src/qt3/draw_config.h:
* src/qt4/color_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/draw_config.cpp:
* src/qt4/draw_config.h:
- renamed Figure to Shape.
- fixed warnings while bootstrap.

* src/model/options.cpp:
* src/model/options.h:
* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/app_config.h:
* src/model/
* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/debug_client_parser.h:
* src/model/debug_log_data.h:
* src/model/debug_log_holder.cpp:
* src/model/debug_log_holder.h:
* src/model/debug_view_data.cpp:
* src/model/debug_view_data.h:
* src/model/main_data.cpp:
* src/model/main_data.h:
* src/model/monitor_view_data.cpp:
* src/model/monitor_view_data.h:
* src/model/point.h:
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.h:
* src/qt3/ball_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/ball_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/ball_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_log_dir_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.h:
* src/qt3/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_painter.h:
* src/qt3/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/launcher_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/log_player.cpp:
* src/qt3/main.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/offside_line_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.h:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt3/player_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_dir_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.h:
* src/qt4/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/launcher_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player.cpp:
* src/qt4/main.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt4/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/offside_line_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.h:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt4/player_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- renamed AppConfig to Options.
- removed ViewConfig class. all variables and methods in
ViewConfig class were moved to Options class.

2008-12-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/debug_log_holder.cpp:
* src/model/main_data.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
- replaced factory methods for rcg parser and serializer.

2008-12-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
- changed the toggle policy of stamina info.
- changed shortcut keys related to the debug server again.

2008-11-25 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/app_config.h:
* src/model/view_config.cpp:
* src/model/view_config.h:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.h:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt3/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.h:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt4/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.h:
- fixed string variable operations.
- added the option to toggle stamina capacity painting.
- added the shortcut key to toggle stamina capacity painting.
- fixed shortcut keys.
- changed shortcut keys related to the debug server.
- renamed ViewCone with ViewArea

2008-11-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
- changed 'show' options to the BoolSwitch option.
- added 'hide' options using NegateSwitch.

* config/qt.m4:
- supported FreeBSD.
- removed OpenGL checking.

2008-11-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- changed the default connection host name to "".

2008-11-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/launcher_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
- fixed gcc-4.3 warnings.

2008-10-31 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/player.h:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.h:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
- supported monitor protocol v4 and game log version v5.
- added stamina capacity information.

2008-10-27 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/
* src/qt4/
- fixed the include path settings.

2008-10-22 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
- fixed build problem with the latest librcsc.

2008-10-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/debug_log_data.cpp:
* src/model/team.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
- fixed gcc-4.3 build problems.
- fixed illegal pointer references.

2008-10-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated a version number string. official release 3.0.1.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/debug_log_data.cpp:
* src/model/team.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/mouse_state.h:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/mouse_state.h:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* xpm/canvas_enlarge.xpm:
* xpm/canvas_player_number.xpm:
* xpm/canvas_player_type.xpm:
* xpm/chase.xpm:
* xpm/copy.xpm:
* xpm/cut.xpm:
* xpm/debug_log_view.xpm:
* xpm/debug_server_switch.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_all.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_ball.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_comment.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_line.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_message.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_player.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_self.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_target.xpm:
* xpm/delete.xpm:
* xpm/float.xpm:
* xpm/hand.xpm:
* xpm/help.xpm:
* xpm/insert.xpm:
* xpm/left.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_accelerate.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_decelerate.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_first.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_last.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_next_score.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_prev_score.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_live_mode.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_one_step_back.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_one_step_forward.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_back.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_forward.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_or_stop.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_shift_down.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_shift_up.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_slider.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_stop.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_connect.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_discard_player.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_disconnect.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_kickoff.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_move_player.xpm:
* xpm/new.xpm:
* xpm/num_1.xpm:
* xpm/num_10.xpm:
* xpm/num_11.xpm:
* xpm/num_12.xpm:
* xpm/num_13.xpm:
* xpm/num_14.xpm:
* xpm/num_15.xpm:
* xpm/num_16.xpm:
* xpm/num_2.xpm:
* xpm/num_3.xpm:
* xpm/num_4.xpm:
* xpm/num_5.xpm:
* xpm/num_6.xpm:
* xpm/num_7.xpm:
* xpm/num_8.xpm:
* xpm/num_9.xpm:
* xpm/open.xpm:
* xpm/open_dir.xpm:
* xpm/open_rcg.xpm:
* xpm/paste.xpm:
* xpm/preview.xpm:
* xpm/print.xpm:
* xpm/record.xpm:
* xpm/replace.xpm:
* xpm/reverse.xpm:
* xpm/right.xpm:
* xpm/save.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2-nostr.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2.xpm:
* xpm/symmetry.xpm:
* xpm/sync.xpm:
* xpm/train.xpm:
- fixed gcc-4.3 build problems for the 3.0.0 release.

2008-09-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/mouse_state.h:
* src/qt4/mouse_state.h:
- fixed the incorrect include header.

2008-08-06 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/tool/triangle_reconstructor.cpp:
- followed the changes of librcsc.

2008-08-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/app_config.h:
* src/model/view_config.cpp:
- added command line options to change the debug view
preference. not completed yet.

* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
- fixed an illegal signal connection.

2008-07-25 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
- fixed the witdh of penalty kick score board.

2008-07-20 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
- fixed the witdh of penalty kick score board.

* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
- fixed a bug of the team graphic painting for right teams.

* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- changed QAction::activated() to QAction::triggered().

2008-07-12 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- changed the initialization policy of DebugMessageWindow.

2008-07-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/tool/simple_remover.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- changed Rect2D constructor and assingment method.

2008-07-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* xpm/num_17.xpm:
* xpm/num_18.xpm:
* xpm/num_19.xpm:
* xpm/num_20.xpm:
* xpm/num_21.xpm:
* xpm/num_22.xpm:
* xpm/num_23.xpm:
* xpm/num_24.xpm:
* xpm/num_25.xpm:
* xpm/num_26.xpm:
* xpm/num_27.xpm:
* xpm/num_28.xpm:
* xpm/num_29.xpm:
* xpm/num_30.xpm:
* xpm/num_31.xpm:
* xpm/num_32.xpm:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.h:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.h:
- added debug switch buttons,'Block' and 'Mark'.
- added debug switch buttons, from level 17 to 32.

* xpm/debug_view_opponent.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_teammate.xpm:
* src/model/view_config.cpp:
* src/model/view_config.h:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.h:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.h:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
- added a debug switch button,'Hold'.
- added options to toggle debug teammate/opponent view.

* xpm/canvas_enlarge.xpm:
* xpm/canvas_player_number.xpm:
* xpm/canvas_player_type.xpm:
* xpm/chase.xpm:
* xpm/copy.xpm:
* xpm/cut.xpm:
* xpm/debug_log_view.xpm:
* xpm/debug_server_switch.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_all.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_ball.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_comment.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_line.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_message.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_player.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_self.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_target.xpm:
* xpm/delete.xpm:
* xpm/float.xpm:
* xpm/hand.xpm:
* xpm/help.xpm:
* xpm/insert.xpm:
* xpm/left.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_accelerate.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_decelerate.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_first.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_last.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_next_score.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_prev_score.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_live_mode.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_one_step_back.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_one_step_forward.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_back.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_forward.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_or_stop.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_shift_down.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_shift_up.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_slider.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_stop.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_connect.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_discard_player.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_disconnect.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_kickoff.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_move_player.xpm:
* xpm/new.xpm:
* xpm/num_1.xpm:
* xpm/num_10.xpm:
* xpm/num_11.xpm:
* xpm/num_12.xpm:
* xpm/num_13.xpm:
* xpm/num_14.xpm:
* xpm/num_15.xpm:
* xpm/num_16.xpm:
* xpm/num_2.xpm:
* xpm/num_3.xpm:
* xpm/num_4.xpm:
* xpm/num_5.xpm:
* xpm/num_6.xpm:
* xpm/num_7.xpm:
* xpm/num_8.xpm:
* xpm/num_9.xpm:
* xpm/open.xpm:
* xpm/open_dir.xpm:
* xpm/open_rcg.xpm:
* xpm/paste.xpm:
* xpm/preview.xpm:
* xpm/print.xpm:
* xpm/record.xpm:
* xpm/replace.xpm:
* xpm/reverse.xpm:
* xpm/right.xpm:
* xpm/save.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2-nostr.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2.xpm:
* xpm/symmetry.xpm:
* xpm/sync.xpm:
* xpm/train.xpm:
- fixed compilier warnings.

2008-06-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/
* fedit/qt3/command.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* fedit/tool/
* fedit/wx/
* src/model/
* src/qt3/
* src/qt3/debug_server.cpp:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/
* src/wx/
- fixed compiler warnings.

2008-05-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
- changed the default players' control area size.

2008-04-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- fixed a defect of signal option for killall command in MacOSX.

2008-04-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/launcher_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/launcher_dialog.cpp:
- increased history size.

2008-04-28 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.h:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.h:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.h:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.h:
- implemented a simple trainer interface to chahnge the playmode.

2008-04-24 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
- disabled clickable slider move.

2008-04-20 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/app_config.h:
* src/model/view_config.cpp:
* src/model/view_config.h:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.h:
* src/qt3/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.h:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.h:
* src/qt4/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.h:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.h:
- implemented options to select player information painting.
- changed the condition of grid coordinate value string painting.
- added '--show-pointto' option.

* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
- fixed an illegal focus side.

2008-04-08 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/font_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/font_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
- set dialog size constraint.

* src/model/main_data.cpp:
* src/qt3/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
- implemented a direct jump acton using press event.

* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_type_dialog.h:
- implemented transparent dialog using wheel event.

* src/model/xpm-memo.txt:
* src/qt4/
* src/qt4/
* src/qt4/
* mingw/
* mingw/
* mingw/
* src/model/
* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/main_data.cpp:
* src/model/
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/
- fixed qmake project files.
- fixed warning option for automake input files.
- fixed compiler warning.

2008-04-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.h:
- fixed a defect of msg info parsing.

2008-04-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/debug_server.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_server.h:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.h:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.h:
* src/qt4/debug_server.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_server.h:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.h:
* src/qt4/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt4/monitor_client.h:
- changed destruction policy for MonitorClient and
DebugServer. Now, these objects are deleted by Qt object tree.

* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.h:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_trace_painter.cpp:
- cleaned up.

2008-04-02 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
- fixed a keepaway area size.

* src/qt4/draw_config.cpp:
- fixed setting reader.

2009-03-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated a version number string. official release 4.0.0.

* m4:
* m4/ax_boost_base.m4:
* m4/ax_boost_signals.m4:
* m4/qt.m4:
* m4/wxwin.m4:
* config/ax_boost_base.m4:
* config/ax_boost_signals.m4:
* config/qt.m4:
* config/wxwin.m4:
* NEWS.en:
* README.en:
- Now, NEWS file and README file are written in Japanese.
- added English version NEWS file and README file.
- moved M4 macro files from config to m4.
- added missing XPM files to the distribution target.

* config/qt.m4:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.
- supported QGLWidget.

2009-03-16 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/
* src/qt4/
- fixed build problems on OSX.

2009-03-13 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/
- fixed an include path.

2008-12-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/
* src/qt3/color_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/draw_config.cpp:
* src/qt3/draw_config.h:
* src/qt4/color_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/draw_config.cpp:
* src/qt4/draw_config.h:
- renamed Figure to Shape.
- fixed warnings while bootstrap.

* src/model/options.cpp:
* src/model/options.h:
* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/app_config.h:
* src/model/
* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/debug_client_parser.h:
* src/model/debug_log_data.h:
* src/model/debug_log_holder.cpp:
* src/model/debug_log_holder.h:
* src/model/debug_view_data.cpp:
* src/model/debug_view_data.h:
* src/model/main_data.cpp:
* src/model/main_data.h:
* src/model/monitor_view_data.cpp:
* src/model/monitor_view_data.h:
* src/model/point.h:
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.h:
* src/qt3/ball_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/ball_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/ball_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_log_dir_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.h:
* src/qt3/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_painter.h:
* src/qt3/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/launcher_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/log_player.cpp:
* src/qt3/main.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/offside_line_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.h:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt3/player_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_dir_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.h:
* src/qt4/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/launcher_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player.cpp:
* src/qt4/main.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt4/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/offside_line_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.h:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt4/player_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- renamed AppConfig to Options.
- removed ViewConfig class. all variables and methods in
ViewConfig class were moved to Options class.

2008-12-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/debug_log_holder.cpp:
* src/model/main_data.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
- replaced factory methods for rcg parser and serializer.

2008-12-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
- changed the toggle policy of stamina info.
- changed shortcut keys related to the debug server again.

2008-11-25 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/app_config.h:
* src/model/view_config.cpp:
* src/model/view_config.h:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.h:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt3/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.h:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt4/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.h:
- fixed string variable operations.
- added the option to toggle stamina capacity painting.
- added the shortcut key to toggle stamina capacity painting.
- fixed shortcut keys.
- changed shortcut keys related to the debug server.
- renamed ViewCone with ViewArea

2008-11-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
- changed 'show' options to the BoolSwitch option.
- added 'hide' options using NegateSwitch.

* config/qt.m4:
- supported FreeBSD.
- removed OpenGL checking.

2008-11-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- changed the default connection host name to "".

2008-11-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/launcher_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
- fixed gcc-4.3 warnings.

2008-10-31 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/player.h:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.h:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
- supported monitor protocol v4 and game log version v5.
- added stamina capacity information.

2008-10-27 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/
* src/qt4/
- fixed the include path settings.

2008-10-22 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
- fixed build problem with the latest librcsc.

2008-10-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/debug_log_data.cpp:
* src/model/team.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
- fixed gcc-4.3 build problems.
- fixed illegal pointer references.

2008-10-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated a version number string. official release 3.0.1.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/debug_log_data.cpp:
* src/model/team.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_move_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/mouse_state.h:
* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/mouse_state.h:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* xpm/canvas_enlarge.xpm:
* xpm/canvas_player_number.xpm:
* xpm/canvas_player_type.xpm:
* xpm/chase.xpm:
* xpm/copy.xpm:
* xpm/cut.xpm:
* xpm/debug_log_view.xpm:
* xpm/debug_server_switch.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_all.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_ball.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_comment.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_line.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_message.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_player.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_self.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_target.xpm:
* xpm/delete.xpm:
* xpm/float.xpm:
* xpm/hand.xpm:
* xpm/help.xpm:
* xpm/insert.xpm:
* xpm/left.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_accelerate.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_decelerate.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_first.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_last.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_next_score.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_prev_score.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_live_mode.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_one_step_back.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_one_step_forward.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_back.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_forward.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_or_stop.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_shift_down.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_shift_up.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_slider.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_stop.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_connect.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_discard_player.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_disconnect.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_kickoff.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_move_player.xpm:
* xpm/new.xpm:
* xpm/num_1.xpm:
* xpm/num_10.xpm:
* xpm/num_11.xpm:
* xpm/num_12.xpm:
* xpm/num_13.xpm:
* xpm/num_14.xpm:
* xpm/num_15.xpm:
* xpm/num_16.xpm:
* xpm/num_2.xpm:
* xpm/num_3.xpm:
* xpm/num_4.xpm:
* xpm/num_5.xpm:
* xpm/num_6.xpm:
* xpm/num_7.xpm:
* xpm/num_8.xpm:
* xpm/num_9.xpm:
* xpm/open.xpm:
* xpm/open_dir.xpm:
* xpm/open_rcg.xpm:
* xpm/paste.xpm:
* xpm/preview.xpm:
* xpm/print.xpm:
* xpm/record.xpm:
* xpm/replace.xpm:
* xpm/reverse.xpm:
* xpm/right.xpm:
* xpm/save.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2-nostr.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2.xpm:
* xpm/symmetry.xpm:
* xpm/sync.xpm:
* xpm/train.xpm:
- fixed gcc-4.3 build problems for the 3.0.0 release.

2008-09-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/mouse_state.h:
* src/qt4/mouse_state.h:
- fixed the incorrect include header.

2008-08-06 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/tool/triangle_reconstructor.cpp:
- followed the changes of librcsc.

2008-08-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/app_config.h:
* src/model/view_config.cpp:
- added command line options to change the debug view
preference. not completed yet.

* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
- fixed an illegal signal connection.

2008-07-25 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
- fixed the witdh of penalty kick score board.

2008-07-20 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
- fixed the witdh of penalty kick score board.

* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
- fixed a bug of the team graphic painting for right teams.

* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- changed QAction::activated() to QAction::triggered().

2008-07-12 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- changed the initialization policy of DebugMessageWindow.

2008-07-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/tool/simple_remover.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- changed Rect2D constructor and assingment method.

2008-07-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* xpm/num_17.xpm:
* xpm/num_18.xpm:
* xpm/num_19.xpm:
* xpm/num_20.xpm:
* xpm/num_21.xpm:
* xpm/num_22.xpm:
* xpm/num_23.xpm:
* xpm/num_24.xpm:
* xpm/num_25.xpm:
* xpm/num_26.xpm:
* xpm/num_27.xpm:
* xpm/num_28.xpm:
* xpm/num_29.xpm:
* xpm/num_30.xpm:
* xpm/num_31.xpm:
* xpm/num_32.xpm:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.h:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.h:
- added debug switch buttons,'Block' and 'Mark'.
- added debug switch buttons, from level 17 to 32.

* xpm/debug_view_opponent.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_teammate.xpm:
* src/model/view_config.cpp:
* src/model/view_config.h:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.h:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.h:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
- added a debug switch button,'Hold'.
- added options to toggle debug teammate/opponent view.

* xpm/canvas_enlarge.xpm:
* xpm/canvas_player_number.xpm:
* xpm/canvas_player_type.xpm:
* xpm/chase.xpm:
* xpm/copy.xpm:
* xpm/cut.xpm:
* xpm/debug_log_view.xpm:
* xpm/debug_server_switch.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_all.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_ball.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_comment.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_line.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_message.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_player.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_self.xpm:
* xpm/debug_view_target.xpm:
* xpm/delete.xpm:
* xpm/float.xpm:
* xpm/hand.xpm:
* xpm/help.xpm:
* xpm/insert.xpm:
* xpm/left.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_accelerate.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_decelerate.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_first.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_last.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_next_score.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_go_prev_score.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_live_mode.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_one_step_back.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_one_step_forward.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_back.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_forward.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_play_or_stop.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_shift_down.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_shift_up.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_slider.xpm:
* xpm/logplayer_stop.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_connect.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_discard_player.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_disconnect.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_kickoff.xpm:
* xpm/monitor_move_player.xpm:
* xpm/new.xpm:
* xpm/num_1.xpm:
* xpm/num_10.xpm:
* xpm/num_11.xpm:
* xpm/num_12.xpm:
* xpm/num_13.xpm:
* xpm/num_14.xpm:
* xpm/num_15.xpm:
* xpm/num_16.xpm:
* xpm/num_2.xpm:
* xpm/num_3.xpm:
* xpm/num_4.xpm:
* xpm/num_5.xpm:
* xpm/num_6.xpm:
* xpm/num_7.xpm:
* xpm/num_8.xpm:
* xpm/num_9.xpm:
* xpm/open.xpm:
* xpm/open_dir.xpm:
* xpm/open_rcg.xpm:
* xpm/paste.xpm:
* xpm/preview.xpm:
* xpm/print.xpm:
* xpm/record.xpm:
* xpm/replace.xpm:
* xpm/reverse.xpm:
* xpm/right.xpm:
* xpm/save.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2-nostr.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2.xpm:
* xpm/symmetry.xpm:
* xpm/sync.xpm:
* xpm/train.xpm:
- fixed compilier warnings.

2008-06-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/
* fedit/qt3/command.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* fedit/tool/
* fedit/wx/
* src/model/
* src/qt3/
* src/qt3/debug_server.cpp:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/
* src/wx/
- fixed compiler warnings.

2008-05-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
- changed the default players' control area size.

2008-04-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- fixed a defect of signal option for killall command in MacOSX.

2008-04-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/launcher_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/launcher_dialog.cpp:
- increased history size.

2008-04-28 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.h:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.h:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.h:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.h:
- implemented a simple trainer interface to chahnge the playmode.

2008-04-24 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
- disabled clickable slider move.

2008-04-20 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/app_config.cpp:
* src/model/app_config.h:
* src/model/view_config.cpp:
* src/model/view_config.h:
* src/qt3/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt3/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.h:
* src/qt3/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.h:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.h:
* src/qt4/player_control_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.h:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.h:
- implemented options to select player information painting.
- changed the condition of grid coordinate value string painting.
- added '--show-pointto' option.

* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
- fixed an illegal focus side.

2008-04-08 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/font_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/font_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/image_save_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
- set dialog size constraint.

* src/model/main_data.cpp:
* src/qt3/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
* src/qt4/log_player_tool_bar.cpp:
- implemented a direct jump acton using press event.

* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_type_dialog.h:
- implemented transparent dialog using wheel event.

* src/model/xpm-memo.txt:
* src/qt4/
* src/qt4/
* src/qt4/
* mingw/
* mingw/
* mingw/
* src/model/
* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/main_data.cpp:
* src/model/
* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/
- fixed qmake project files.
- fixed warning option for automake input files.
- fixed compiler warning.

2008-04-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/model/view_holder.h:
- fixed a defect of msg info parsing.

2008-04-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/debug_server.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_server.h:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/main_window.h:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt3/monitor_client.h:
* src/qt4/debug_server.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_server.h:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.h:
* src/qt4/monitor_client.cpp:
* src/qt4/monitor_client.h:
- changed destruction policy for MonitorClient and
DebugServer. Now, these objects are deleted by Qt object tree.

* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.h:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_trace_painter.cpp:
- cleaned up.

2008-04-02 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
- fixed a keepaway area size.

* src/qt4/draw_config.cpp:
- fixed setting reader.