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device-generic-goldfish: Zusammenfassung des Repository


Neueste Commits RSS

Rev. Zeit Autor Nachricht
4e352d7 2017-09-27 19:25:38 Chih-Wei Huang multiwindow-oreo config.ini: change the default settings for OPENTHOS Use...
2fc604b 2017-09-27 19:05:02 Chih-Wei Huang Add android.hidl.base@1.0 to VNDK_SP_LIBRARIES Google SD...
39bfe40 2017-09-27 18:15:23 Chih-Wei Huang Add camera HAL and vndk-sp to emu_* targets
d9e7b0f 2017-09-27 17:45:40 Chih-Wei Huang overlay: remove the incorrect webview packages list The ...
f378d5b 2017-09-21 12:40:46 bohu goldfish: get aosp-oreo to boot Change-Id: Ic4678f956909...
c2e4b09 2017-06-24 05:54:11 android-build-team Robot Merge cherrypicks of [2454758, 2454859, 2454837, 2454965,...
049bb22 2017-06-24 05:44:58 Lingfeng Yang Build power.ranchu and add power hal to manifest.xml Bug...
1bff005 2017-06-24 05:44:50 bohu Emulator: update goldfish to 0ff252b9 Bug: 37302997 Tes...
edbafe7 2017-05-14 16:20:51 android-build-team Robot release-request-951b3a8b-6c0c-4d2e-8af4-1c3f7e209f66-for-...
ccfe555 2017-05-12 06:14:02 Jim Kaye Fix the 'flush' function for emulated sensors Flush oper...


Name Rev. Zeit Autor Nachricht
multiwindow-oreo 4e352d7 2017-09-27 19:25:38 Chih-Wei Huang config.ini: change the defa...

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