Rev. | a67d08e91beb148e08bb73b36e54627e8d547b9f |
Größe | 1,967 Bytes |
Zeit | 2009-09-22 21:38:20 |
Autor | lorenzo |
Log Message | I fixed a bug: now the code really prints out nodes in an edge and isolated
#!/usr/bin/env python
# loop over 20-second intervals, compute contact graph for each interval, print out the nodes of the graph
import sys
from sociopatterns.loader import Loader
from sociopatterns.analysis import ContactGraphAnalyzer
#import string #Probably I do not need this module any longer.
#Python has a lot of methods already inbuilt for a string object.
#XXTEA_CRYPTO_KEY = ( 0xf6e103d4, 0x77a739f6, 0x65eecead, 0xa40543a9 )
XXTEA_CRYPTO_KEY = ( 0xd2e3fd73, 0xfa70ca9c, 0xe2575826, 0x0fe09946 )
loader = Loader(sys.argv[1:], decode=1, xxtea_crypto_key=XXTEA_CRYPTO_KEY,
load_contacts=1, unique_contacts=1, load_sightings=0)
#analyzer = ContactGraphAnalyzer(loader, 20, tag_id_min=1100, tag_id_max=2047)
#NB: now I am NOT filtering on the tag IDs
analyzer = ContactGraphAnalyzer(loader, 20,tag_id_min=1100, tag_id_max=2047)
for frame in analyzer:
all_node_list=frame['graph'].nodes() #raw list containing all the nodes
# in the graph (regardless of whether the node is isolate or not)
all_edge_list=frame['graph'].edges() #raw list containing pair of nodes
#in the same edge
new_edge_list=[] #create a new empty list
[new_edge_list.extend(x) for x in all_edge_list ] #reshaping the edge list
#so that it no longer looks like a chain of pairs
isolate_node_list=[x for x in all_node_list \
if (x not in new_edge_list)] #this is the list of
#all the isolated nodes (i.e. those which are not inside the edge list)
#Now reshape the lists in a way convenient for printing and add time.
total_edge="\n".join(["%d %d %d" %( frame["time"],x, y) \
for x,y in all_edge_list])
total_isolate="\n".join(["%d %d %d" %( frame["time"],x,x) \
for x in isolate_node_list ])
if (len(isolate_node_list)>0):
print total_isolate
if (len(all_edge_list)>0):
print total_edge