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File Info

Rev. 3f535e30889fb692dfee04aeb5423599bd902db7
Größe 1,306 Bytes
Zeit 2010-01-11 01:55:33
Autor lorenzo
Log Message

A small script (to be integrated in the older codes) to generate the couples of ID's associated to
each contact (NOT the timeslice, the real, uninterrupted contact).


#!/usr/bin/env python
import scipy as s
import pylab as p
import numpy as n
import sys
import string

def my_hash(arr):  #this will operate on a similar function which
    #has already combined tag_id and bootcount (both taking 16 bites each)

    # my_hash(arr) >> 32 to get back the 1st argument
    # my_hash(arr) &  0xFFFFFFFF to get back the second argument

    arr=s.sort(arr) #maybe this is not needed at all; the rows of sliced data (which are arr)
    #are already sorted out elsewhere.

    return (arr[0] << 32) | arr[1]

def my_unhash(longnum):  #this is the inverse of the function above


    arr_out[0]= longnum >> 32
    arr_out[1]= longnum &  0xFFFFFFFF

    return (arr_out)

f = open(sys.argv[1])
hashed_interactions = [map(int, string.split(line)) for line in f.readlines()]

hashed_interactions = s.array(hashed_interactions, dtype="int64")


for i in xrange(len(hashed_interactions)):

n.savetxt("decoupled_hash_for_contact_durations_1_.dat", decoupled_arr, fmt='%d')
          decoupled_arr.reshape(-1,1), fmt='%d')

print "So far so good"