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private knowhow

Name Größe Rev. Zeit Autor Log Message
bat.txt 4.35 k 1f4be0d 2013-12-27 06:41:08 Moritaka Ogasawara add some knowhow
bm.txt 55 ab2dfe8 2022-05-06 00:11:30 oga add muse.txt bm.txt
doscall68k.txt 2.83 k 441b7e2 2014-07-21 14:13:52 oga add doscall for X68K
fleadtab.txt 1.46 k c16bd7c 2014-01-11 06:31:18 oga add FleadTab CTB-701H
git.txt 29.17 k 40901d4 2024-11-04 23:14:31 hyperoga add trouble shoot
iocs.txt 156.26 k 5ce2408 2014-07-21 12:26:47 oga add iocs function's description
midi.txt 4.18 k 2f994f2 2014-06-08 06:55:01 oga add midi.txt
muse.txt 314 d68113d 2022-05-06 00:29:18 oga Merge branch 'master' of https://pf.o...
powershell.txt 766.63 k 7c26985 2014-02-11 12:12:43 oga add knowhow
raid.txt 25.97 k c55b309 2014-06-24 06:48:26 oga add raid.txt, git some change
raspberry.txt 16.1 k 60f34ec 2024-11-04 22:42:39 hyperoga add some knowhow
winx68k.txt 6.24 k 291dcb3 2014-04-22 04:06:16 oga add zmusic
xbasic.txt 113.77 k 2190781 2024-11-04 22:41:52 hyperoga add sum knowhow
zmusic2.txt 482.26 k 6f3fb11 2014-04-22 04:07:55 oga add zmusic
zmusic3.txt 1.02 M 6f3fb11 2014-04-22 04:07:55 oga add zmusic