AA (Ascii Art)
Post date
2020-11-26 10:06
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  1. C:\WINDOWS\system32>C:\WATCOM\binnt\wpp386
  2. Open Watcom C++32 Optimizing Compiler Version 1.9
  3. Portions Copyright (c) 1989-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  4. Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
  5. See for details.
  6. Usage: wpp386 [options] file [options]
  7. Options:
  8. ( /option is also accepted )
  9. ( '=' is always optional, i.e., -w4 -zp4 )
  10. -3r 386 register calling conventions
  11. -3s 386 stack calling conventions
  12. -4r 486 register calling conventions
  13. -4s 486 stack calling conventions
  14. -5r Pentium register calling conventions
  15. -5s Pentium stack calling conventions
  16. -6r Pentium Pro register calling conventions
  17. -6s Pentium Pro stack calling conventions
  18. -ad[=<file>] generate make style automatic dependency file
  19. -adbs force path separators to '\' in auto-depend file
  20. -add[=<file>] specify first dependency in make style auto-depend file
  21. -adfs force path separators to '/' in auto-depend file
  22. -adhp[=<file>] specify default path for headers without one
  23. -adt[=<file>] specify target in make style auto-depend file
  24. -bc build target is a console application
  25. -bd build target is a dynamic link library (DLL)
  26. -bg build target is a GUI application
  27. -bm build target is a multi-thread environment
  28. -br build target uses DLL version of C/C++ run-time library
  29. -bt[=<id>] build target is operating system <id>
  30. -bw build target is a default windowing application
  31. -d<name>[=text] same as #define name [text] before compilation
  32. -d0 no debugging information
  33. -d1 line number debugging information
  34. -d2 symbolic debugging information
  35. -d2i -d2 and debug inlines; emit inlines as COMDATs
  36. -d2s -d2 and debug inlines; emit inlines as statics
  37. -d2t -d2 but without type names
  38. -d3 symbolic debugging information with unreferenced type names
  39. -d3i -d3 and debug inlines; emit inlines as COMDATs
  40. -d3s -d3 and debug inlines; emit inlines as statics
  41. -d+ allow extended -d macro definitions
  42. -db generate browsing information
  43. -e=<num> set limit on number of error messages
  44. -ecc set default calling convention to __cdecl
  45. -ecd set default calling convention to __stdcall
  46. -ecf set default calling convention to __fastcall
  47. -ecp set default calling convention to __pascal
  48. -ecr set default calling convention to __fortran
  49. -ecs set default calling convention to __syscall
  50. -ecw set default calling convention to __watcall (default)
  51. -ee call epilogue hook routine
  52. -ef use full path names in error messages
  53. -ei force enum base type to use at least an int
  54. -em force enum base type to use minimum integral type
  55. -en emit routine names in the code segment
  56. -ep[=<num>] call prologue hook routine with <num> stack bytes available
  57. -eq do not display error messages (but still write to .err file)
  58. -er do not recover from undefined symbol errors
  59. -et emit Pentium profiling code
  60. -et0 emit Pentium-CTR0 profiling code
  61. -ew alternate error message formatting
  62. -ez generate PharLap EZ-OMF object files
  63. -fc=<file> specify file of command lines to be batch processed
  64. -fh[=<file>] use pre-compiled header (PCH) file
  65. -fhd store debug info for PCH once (DWARF only)
  66. -fhq[=<file>] do not display PCH activity warnings
  67. -fhr force compiler to read PCH (will never write)
  68. -fhw force compiler to write PCH (will never read)
  69. -fhwe don't count PCH activity warnings (see -we option)
  70. -fi=<file> force <file> to be included
  71. -fo[=<file>] set object or preprocessor output file name
  72. -fp2 generate 287 floating-point code
  73. -fp3 generate 387 floating-point code
  74. -fp5 optimize floating-point for Pentium
  75. -fp6 optimize floating-point for Pentium Pro
  76. -fpc calls to floating-point library
  77. -fpd enable Pentium FDIV check
  78. -fpi inline 80x87 instructions with emulation
  79. -fpi87 inline 80x87 instructions
  80. -fpr generate backward compatible 80x87 code
  81. -fr[=<file>] set error file name
  82. -ft check for truncated versions of file names
  83. -fx do not check for truncated versions of file names
  84. -fzh do not automatically postfix include file names
  85. -fzs do not automatically postfix source file names
  86. -g=<id> set code group name
  87. -hc generate Codeview debugging information
  88. -hd generate DWARF debugging information
  89. -hw generate Watcom debugging information
  90. -i=<path> add another include path
  91. -j change char default from unsigned to signed
  92. -k continue processing files (ignore errors)
  93. -mc compact memory model (small code/large data)
  94. -mf flat memory model (small code/small data assuming CS=DS=SS=ES)
  95. -mfi flat memory model (interrupt functions will assume flat model)
  96. -ml large memory model (large code/large data)
  97. -mm medium memory model (large code/small data)
  98. -ms small memory model (small code/small data)
  99. -na disable automatic inclusion of _ialias.h
  100. -nc=<id> set code class name
  101. -nd=<id> set data segment name
  102. -nm=<file> set module name
  103. -nt=<id> set name of text segment
  104. -o{a,b,c,d,e[=<num>],f,f+,h,i,i+,k,l,l+,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,u,x,z} optimization
  105. a -> relax aliasing constraints
  106. b -> enable branch prediction
  107. c -> disable <call followed by return> to <jump> optimization
  108. d -> disable all optimizations
  109. e[=<num>] -> expand user functions inline (<num> controls max size)
  110. f -> generate traceable stack frames as needed
  111. f+ -> always generate traceable stack frames
  112. h -> enable expensive optimizations (longer compiles)
  113. i -> expand intrinsic functions inline
  114. i+ -> enable maximum inlining depth
  115. k -> include prologue/epilogue in flow graph
  116. l -> enable loop optimizations
  117. l+ -> enable loop unrolling optimizations
  118. m -> generate inline code for math functions
  119. n -> allow numerically unstable optimizations
  120. o -> continue compilation if low on memory
  121. p -> generate consistent floating-point results
  122. r -> reorder instructions for best pipeline usage
  123. s -> favor code size over execution time in optimizations
  124. t -> favor execution time over code size in optimizations
  125. u -> all functions must have unique addresses
  126. x -> equivalent to -obmiler -s
  127. z -> NULL points to valid memory in the target environment
  128. -p{c,e,l,w=<num>} preprocess source file
  129. c -> preserve comments
  130. e -> encrypt identifiers
  131. l -> insert #line directives
  132. w=<num> -> wrap output lines at <num> columns. Zero means no wrap.
  133. -pil preprocessor ignores #line directives
  134. -q operate quietly (display only error messages)
  135. -r save/restore segment registers across calls
  136. -ri return chars and shorts as ints
  137. -s remove stack overflow checks
  138. -sg generate calls to grow the stack
  139. -st touch stack through SS first
  140. -t=<num> set number of spaces in a tab stop
  141. -u[=<name>] undefine macro name
  142. -v output function declarations to .def file
  143. -vcap VC++ compatibility: alloca allowed in argument lists
  144. -w=<num> set warning level number
  145. -wcd=<num> warning control: disable warning message <num>
  146. -wce=<num> warning control: enable warning message <num>
  147. -we treat all warnings as errors
  148. -wx set warning level to maximum setting
  149. -xd disable exception handling (default)
  150. -xds disable exception handling (table-driven destructors)
  151. -xdt disable exception handling (same as -xd)
  152. -xr enable RTTI
  153. -xs enable exception handling
  154. -xss enable exception handling (table-driven destructors)
  155. -xst enable exception handling (direct calls for destruction)
  156. -za disable extensions (i.e., accept only ISO/ANSI C++)
  157. -za0x enable some features of the upcoming ISO C++0x standard
  158. -zat disable alternative tokens (e.g. and, or, not)
  159. -zc place const data into the code segment
  160. -zdf DS floats (i.e. not fixed to DGROUP)
  161. -zdl load DS directly from DGROUP
  162. -zdp DS is pegged to DGROUP
  163. -ze enable extensions (i.e., near, far, export, etc.)
  164. -zf scope of for loop initializer extends beyond loop
  165. -zff FS floats (i.e. not fixed to a segment)
  166. -zfp FS is pegged to a segment
  167. -zfw generate FWAIT instructions
  168. -zg generate function prototypes using base types
  169. -zgf GS floats (i.e. not fixed to a segment)
  170. -zgp GS is pegged to a segment
  171. -zk0 double-byte character support: Kanji
  172. -zk0u translate double-byte Kanji to Unicode
  173. -zk1 double-byte character support: Chinese/Taiwanese
  174. -zk2 double-byte character support: Korean
  175. -zkl double-byte character support: local installed language
  176. -zku=<num> load Unicode translate table for specified code page
  177. -zl remove default library information
  178. -zld remove file dependency information
  179. -zlf always generate default library information
  180. -zls remove automatically inserted symbols
  181. -zm emit functions in separate segments
  182. -zmf emit functions in separate segments (near functions allowed)
  183. -zo use exception-handling for a specific operating system
  184. -zp=<num> pack structure members with alignment {1,2,4,8,16}
  185. -zpw output warning when padding is added in a class
  186. -zq operate quietly (display only error messages)
  187. -zri inline floating point rounding calls
  188. -zro omit floating point rounding calls (non ANSI)
  189. -zs syntax check only
  190. -zt[=<num>] far data threshold (i.e., larger objects go in far memory)
  191. -zu SS != DGROUP (i.e., do not assume stack is in data segment)
  192. -zv enable virtual function removal optimization
  193. -zw generate code for Microsoft Windows
  194. -zz remove "@size" from __stdcall function names (10.0 compatible)
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