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Convert long integer to ISO 8859 in x64 assembly

Rev. Zeit Autor
r8 2021-12-15 18:20:52 agentkayy

Fixed some bug involving last digits convertion

r7 2021-12-10 20:07:59 agentkayy

1st fully working release

r6 2021-11-25 08:36:20 agentkayy

Appended to division by 10^4

r5 2021-11-25 05:27:58 agentkayy

Appended to division by 10^8

r4 2021-11-24 22:24:03 agentkayy

Appended to division by 10^9

r3 2021-11-24 19:34:18 agentkayy

Completed reciprocal division by 10^11, with added check if first register is full, store new converted byte to second register

r2 2021-11-24 18:01:33 agentkayy

Fixed reciprocal division by 10^14 error

r1 2021-11-24 04:18:39 agentkayy

(empty log message)