!!! THIS PROJECT HAS MOVED TO GITHUB !!! https://github.com/magicant/yash
Yet another shell (yash) is a POSIX-compliant command line shell, featuring more strict POSIX compliance than those of other shells, as well as powerful command line editing.
Yash 2.21
+ Command line completion
= In an interactive shell, the value of $LINENO is now reset to 1 every time a command is input and executed.
* The "function" keyword was not recognized by "command -v".
* Fixed handling of SIGINT so that the interactive shell properly gets back to normal after receiving SIGINT.
* Input reading functions rewritten, including some bug fixes.
+: new feature
-: removed feature
=: specification change
*: bug fix
x: new bug
Yash 2.21
+ 行編集での補完機能
= 対話シェルでは、それぞれのコマンドごとに $LINENO を 1 にリセットするようにした
* "function" キーワードが "command -v" で認識されていなかった
* 対話シェルが SIGINT を受け取った後の復旧処理を修正
* シェルへの入力を扱う関数を書き直し (いくつかのバグ修正含む)
+: 新機能
-: 廃止機能
=: 仕様変更
*: バグ修正
x: 新たに加わってしまったバグ