[tomoyo-users-en 549] Re: Problem with policy

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Tetsuo Handa from-****@I-lov*****
Mon Apr 1 22:26:14 JST 2013

Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
> I tried seeking for Skype in tomoyo-editpolicy after pressing
> @ and all the rules appear....

Well, I think that the "file create" denial logs are caused by mode mismatch.

The policy says 0666

  file create @SKYPE_FILES 0666

while the denial log says 0600

  file create /home/paolo/.Skype/shared_dynco/dc.lock 0600

. You might want to change

  file create @SKYPE_FILES 0666


  file create @SKYPE_FILES 0600-0666


But you are still seeing the "file read" denial logs, aren't you?
Then, try running Skype process while running tomoyo-queryd on a terminal
application. tomoyo-queryd should show you which request is about to be
rejected by TOMOYO. http://tomoyo.sourceforge.jp/2.5/chapter-7.html.en#7.3

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