[tomoyo-users-en 332] About supporting policy namespace.

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Tetsuo Handa from-****@I-lov*****
Sun May 8 23:11:02 JST 2011

On tomoyo-dev-en ML, a discussion for supporting policy namespace is in


Currently, TOMOYO's policy does not support namespace. This is not convenient
when using TOMOYO on environments that use pivot_root() (e.g. LXC containers)
because daemon program's pathnames which are executed inside the containers are
identical with these of outside the containers, and thereby domain transition
control directives are applied in a way the administrator did not wish.
An environment which was created using pivot_root() is almost an independent
standalone system, and should be treated separately. Therefore, I'm thinking
the possibility for supporting namespace for TOMOYO's policy.

As of [tomoyo-dev-en 221], the direction is

(1) Extend domainname to accept <$namespace> prefix (e.g. <apache>) in addition
    to conventional <kernel> prefix, and use the prefix as the name of namespace.

(2) Let each namespace to use its own
    in order to avoid interference across namespaces.

(3) Add "namespace <$namespace>" prefix to each line in
    /proc/ccs/{exception_policy,profile} for specifying namespaces.

I would like to hear opinions on this.
Feel free to post comments to tomoyo-dev-en ML.

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