Ticket-Liste (18 matches)

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IDEröffnet amLetztes UpdateZusammenfassungVerantwortlicherAuswertungTypMeilensteinKomponentePrioritätSchweregradStatusLösung
319552013-08-31 00:002013-09-08 00:11tenfourbird 17.0.8 for 7450 randomly deleted entire main inbox.t_mrc-ctjeanniusFehler9 - Höchste9 - HöchsteOffenKeine
361932016-03-25 18:302016-03-28 01:03Tenfourbird malware alertt_mrc-ctSupportanfragenTenfourbird78OffenWon't Fix
357402015-11-15 18:442015-11-18 21:04Cert Error on update dialogt_mrc-ctt_mrc-ctFehlerTenfourbird75 - MittelOffenGefixt
339482014-06-14 17:322014-06-14 17:3224.3 crashes/closes EVERY time I send a message... (From Forum Message #71910)t_mrc-ctt_mrc-ctFehlerTenfourbird 24.6.0 (closed)Tenfourbird78OffenKeine
332472014-02-23 02:562014-02-23 22:42Draft edit is invisiblet_mrc-ctfossilftnFehler79 - HöchsteOffenKeine
357622015-11-19 16:112015-11-19 20:50pop up alert insecure updatet_mrc-ctrican-linuxFehlerTenfourbird67OffenDuplicate
391632019-04-25 07:452019-04-25 07:50Re: Some e-mail messages not getting through - feedback / hint (From Forum Message #82883)Fehler5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenKeine
378492017-12-31 02:012017-12-31 02:04Re: any plans for Tenfourbird 45.5.0? (From Forum Message #79596)Supportanfragen5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenKeine
366512016-09-20 03:452016-09-20 03:45Yahoo Messenger Connectiont_mrc-ctmichaeltzuSupportanfragenTenfourbird5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenKeine
363612016-06-05 11:422016-06-07 00:45CPU spike after sending an emailt_mrc-ctFehler5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenKeine
350632015-04-13 03:512015-04-19 19:11GnuPG 2.0 on PowerPC OSX (for Enigmail v1.9)t_mrc-ctSupportanfragenEnigmail5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenKeine
334602014-03-11 10:482014-03-22 22:35Enigmail sometimes fails to encrypt messages and immediately sends them!t_mrc-ctgmorehouFehlerTenfourbird5 - Mittel9 - HöchsteOffenKeine
334592014-03-11 10:442014-03-12 19:22Enigmail fails to 'undo' all its changes when encrypt/sign operation is aborted by usert_mrc-ctgmorehouFehlerEnigmail 1.7 (closed)Enigmail5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenGefixt
332642014-02-27 03:152014-03-12 21:44Message dates display in (apparently) UTCt_mrc-ctgmorehouFehlerTenfourbird5 - Mittel3OffenKeine
324262013-11-10 19:512013-11-10 19:51Menu grayed out issue (From Forum Message #70721)t_mrc-ctt_mrc-ctFehler5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenKeine
313602013-05-14 21:382013-05-14 21:38Unified trash folder displays only some items (From Forum Message #66383)t_mrc-ctt_mrc-ctFehler5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenKeine
313592013-05-14 21:332013-11-08 23:02Tfb 17.0.5 dead menu bar issue (From Forum Message #68099)t_mrc-ctt_mrc-ctFehler5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenKeine
291852012-08-06 09:402012-08-12 19:45activity monitor shows stuck on indexing messagest_mrc-ctFehler5 - Mittel5 - MittelOffenAccepted