Ticket #33247

Draft edit is invisible

Eröffnet am: 2014-02-23 02:56 Letztes Update: 2014-02-23 22:42

Offen [Owner assigned]
9 - Höchste


TenFourBird seems to have gone off the rails somewhere. I was using 17.0.11, and kept having trouble with writing a long e-mail. TenFourBird kept trying to attach something where I had no attachments. In the process of that, it declined to update or save a draft. It lost my work. I downloaded 24.3.0 and installed it. Now I can't even see my saved draft to edit it. All I get when I click on the "Edit" button is the header bar with the red-orange-green balls on the left. The rest is invisible.

I'm going to move my e-mail files to another computer with Win 7 & 8 so I can get my work done and stay in touch with people. I'll give up on TenFourBird if this isn't fixed.

Ticket-Verlauf (2/2 Historien)

2014-02-23 02:56 Aktualisiert von: fossilftn
  • New Ticket "Draft edit is invisible" created
2014-02-23 22:42 Aktualisiert von: t_mrc-ct
  • Verantwortlicher Update from (Keine) to t_mrc-ct

Unknown attachment and window freeze

Is this problem happened when you edited HTML mail with embeded image?

If so, this may related to bug 532395 and Comment 99 may help you.

Draft edit window is broken (blank)

Invisibility of Draft edit window component may caused by broken XUL cache.

If that caused by broken XUL cache, you could purge XUL cache with the following plans:

Plan A: Startup Tenfourbird with option -purgecaches

From Terminal, execute the following command (If you install Tenfoubird in /Application/Tenfourbird/):

/Application/Tenfourbird/Contents/MacOS/bin/thunderbird -purgecaches

Plan B: Install addon that support XUL cache purge

One of a such addon is Restartless Restart.

Procedures of purging XUL cache with Restartless Restart is:

  1. Install Restartless Restart.
  2. Open addon Preferences. ( Tools > Add-ons > Extensions > Restartless Restart > Preferences button)
  3. Check option "Disable Fastload".
  4. Restart Tenfourbird. (File > Restart)
  5. Uncheck option "Disable Fastload" on Restartless Restart preferences.

If these could not help you...

To detect what happend on your Tenfourbird, I need more information of these problems:

  • Any Tenfourbird error messages logged on Console? (Applications/Utilities/Console).
  • Any error messages logged on Error Console? (Tools > Error Console)
  • Anything you noticed about these problems...



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