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Qt Bitcoin Trader

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(Letztes Update 2014-04-18 08:04)

Supported exchanges: Bitfinex, BTC-e, Bitstamp and BTCChina.
This software helps you open and cancel orders very fast.
Real time data monitoring.
Developed on pure Qt, uses OpenSSL.

I want to develop this Trader App so that it can be configured for any rule and strategy.
If you want to help me, please donate to 1d6iMwjjNo8ZGYeJBZKXgcgVk9o7fXcjc

Next ToDo:
1 ) Advanced Charts
2 ) Advanced sound notification settings
3 ) Add support to monitor many exchanges and currencies at the same time
4 ) Add script language to make own advanced trade strategy
5 ) Develop server to collect all ticker and depth data to provide single websocket connection for realtime data updates
6 ) Make floatable interface
7 ) Allow to save interface settings as Workspace profiles
8 ) Develop mobile application to provide secure remote access to running application on desktop
9 ) Add plugins support to allow all developers attach any exchanges

More information here:

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