[Mingw-users] mingw32 and jdk/jni

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Paul Edwards mutaz****@gmail*****
Tue Sep 22 14:55:52 JST 2020

Hi Rastos. Thanks for your reply.

> Do you #include "jni.h" in mary.c ?

Yes, I have an include of <jni.h>

> What I've seen used in some projects is using dynamic
> loading with

> typedef int (*t_JNI_CreateJavaVM) (JavaVM**, void**, JavaVMInitArgs*);
> ...
> t_JNI_CreateJavaVM *p=(t_JNI_CreateJavaVM) 
> GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary(jvm_dll_path),"JNI_CreateJavaVM");

Thanks! That worked, after doing the
equivalent of changing "*p" to "p".

Unfortunately it wouldn't allow me to just
specify "jvm.dll" and fetch that from the path.
So I'll need to construct the location at runtime
from a JAVA_HOME environment variable. Better
than being totally stuck. :-)

BFN. Paul.

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