[Mingw-users] Time for a MinGW-GDB Upgrade?

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Wed Jul 22 04:49:22 JST 2020

On 19/07/2020 03:30, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>> I can easily build an up-to-date expat.  However, the latest release
>> gratuitously requires Microsoft's rand_s() function, which requires
>> Vista, or later, (or WinXP with non-free MSVCR80.DLL, or later).  I have
>> a solution for this, (based on CryptGenRandom(), and thus supported all
>> the way back to Win95-OSR2, or WinNT4), but it will require an update to
>> mingwrt, and thus would need a WSL-5.4.1 release; (it would be a trivial
>> change, requiring no more than public exposure of an existing function,
>> which is currently implemented internally, with static linkage).
> FWIW, I'm using that old expat from MinGW in my builds.

Ah!  I guess that explains why I couldn't find expat on your ezwinports
download page?

FWIW, I've now built expat-2-2.9, and GDB builds happily against it.
Pursuant to publication of mingwrt-5.4.1, I'll post that (probably) as a
mingw-port: https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/storage/mingw-ports


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