[MinGW-Users] Server 2016 - msvcrt.dll - %z formatting crash

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Eli Zaretskii eliz****@gnu*****
Fri Dec 11 01:44:41 JST 2020

> From: Clint Dovholuk <clint****@netfo*****>
> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2020 11:22:31 -0500
> I tried hard to search for this answer so forgive me if I did not find the proper thread. Basically this simple
> program will crash on windows server
> 2016
>     int main() {
>         size_t val = -42;
>         printf("this will crash %zd(%s)\n", val, "this is some string");
>         return 0;
>     }
> Msvcrt.dll and this program run fine on Windows 10 so it appears MS has patched this particular issue in
> recent versions of Windows.

I suggest to use -D__MINGW_ANSI_STDIO__ when you build your program,
so that your program gets linked with the ANSI-standard replacements
for printf and friends, which support %zd.  Then the crash shouldn't

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