[Mingw-users] MinGW GCC lacks iconv implementation

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Mon Oct 14 06:11:01 JST 2019

It was never meant to be thus.  Indeed, I was unaware that it was so, until
https://osdn.net/tracker.php?id=39639 was filed.

The issue arises because, for each version of MinGW GCC which I have
published, I
have built it with a GNU/Linux hosted cross-compiler of the same GCC
version, with
each version in its own independent installation path, but with the
shared object
development kits in a separate tree, shared by all.  I had naïvely
assumed that
GCC's --with-libiconv-prefix configuration option would behave as
documented, to
establish the necessary build-time references, but apparently this
option has been
broken since it was reported as a GCC bug against GCC-3.4.0, (if indeed
it ever
worked), and it remains broken sixteen years later, and in every version
within that sixteen year interval, up to and including our GCC-8.2.0,
(and probably
beyond, into the 9.x series).

I can mitigate this failure, by ensuring that my external shared object
tree is mapped into the cross-compiler's default search path, at
compiler build time.  I've done so, by tweaking the cross-compiler's
"specs" file,
for a rebuild of MinGW GCC-8.2.0, which I've now published as
GCC-8.2.0-5.  If you
are affected by this issue, you may wish to consider upgrading to this

-- Regards, Keith. Public key available from keys.gnupg.net Key
fingerprint: C19E C018 1547 DE50 E1D4 8F53 C0AD 36C6 347E 5A3F

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