[Mingw-users] [SOLVED] Getting current version of MinGW

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Tue Mar 12 19:16:47 JST 2019

On 12/03/19 03:59, Test User wrote:
> It seems that the file originally called profile.xml (in 
> /MinGW/var/lib/mingw-get/data/) was renamed as defaults.xml in later
> versions of mingw-get,

Nope.  That is not the case.  It has always been intended that
profile.xml should be created by, and subsequently maintained by the
user; it has *never* been distributed with mingw-get.  OTOH,
defaults.xml has *always* been distributed, as a model on which the user
may base his (or her) profile.xml; defaults.xml is used as fall-back, if
the user has neglected to create profile.xml

When you use mingw-get-setup.exe to install mingw-get, it will create
profile.xml, (*but only if it does not already exist*), as a *copy* of
defaults.xml; thereafter, it becomes *your* responsibility to maintain
that copy.  When you upgrade mingw-get, defaults.xml will be upgraded;
profile.xml will not, as that would overwrite any customization which
you may have put in place.

> but the current mingw-get reads profile.xml even if defaults.xml
> exists.

It has *always* been thus.

> I edited my profile.xml like this:
>  <!-- <repository
> uri="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/%F.xml.lzma?download">
> -->
>   <repository uri="http://osdn.net/dl/mingw/%F.xml.lzma">

Which is correct procedure; I assume that you deduced this adjustment by
inspection of the upgraded defaults.xml.

> and mingw-get now tells me that the installed gcc version is 6.3 and
> the repository version is 8.2.

Yes, because your local copy of the catalogue is now synchronized with
the active OSDN.net master, rather than the abandoned SF.net version,
when you perform "mingw-get update"; if you now follow up by performing
"mingw-get upgrade", you should find that gcc-8.2.0 becomes your
installed version.


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