[Mingw-users] <SPAM> Simple C++17 standard support - Expression Evaluation Order (P0145R3) - Bug report & auth request

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Tue Nov 20 09:34:55 JST 2018

On 19/11/18 23:27, Jason Li wrote:
> The *self-contained test* which does not depend on STL:
> #include <iostream> int *getPtr(int& x) { std::cout << "getPtr(" << x <<
> ")\n"; // Artificial side effect return &x; } int main() { int zero = 0,
> one = 1; *getPtr(zero) = *getPtr(one); }
> // Similar tests can be done with other operators using this technique
> Expected stdout:
> getPtr(1)
> getPtr(0)
> MinGW (with -std=c++17) stdout:
> getPtr(0)
> getPtr(1)

FWIW, I can reproduce this with MinGW GCC-6.3.0 [*], as per your info:

> Version info:
> Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 1803, 17134.407
> gcc version 6.3.0 (MinGW.org GCC-6.3.0-1)

$ use mingw32-gcc-6.3.0
$ mingw32-g++ --std=c++17 foo.cc
$ ./a.exe ; rstty

However, with the *current* MinGW GCC-7.3.0 [*]:

$ use mingw32-gcc-7.3.0
$ mingw32-g++ --std=c++17 foo.cc
$ ./a.exe ; rstty

and with my latest experimental MinGW GCC-8.2.0 [*]:

$ use mingw32-gcc-8.2.0
$ mingw32-g++ --std=c++17 foo.cc
$ ./a.exe ; rstty

From the above, I deduce that this is an upstream GCC issue, resolved
from the release of GCC-7 onwards, (at least since GCC-7.3.0).

[*] All of my tests result from cross-compiling your sample code, and
running it under wine; the "rstty" is a local hack to work around a wine
bug, which trashes my TTY keymap configuration after running any wine
process (directly) in my console.


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