[Mingw-users] Problems with compiling Windows system calls with MinGW gcc 6.3.0

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Thu Jun 28 16:50:12 JST 2018

On 27/06/18 19:35, David Gressett wrote:
>> So, presumably the copies you thought were correct already had
>> (something like) my 09-ada-unicode-misuse.patch applied?
> That seems to be what happened; It has been so long since I did the
> original downloads that I do not now remember the details.

Well, I too have forgotten most of what I did for the gcc-6.3.0-mingw32
distribution, but that's where a good source code management system,
(one with good patch queue management, in particular), comes into its
own; for example, with Mercurial, I can readily see:

  $ hg -R mingw/gcc-build/src/gcc-6.3.0 qseries -sv
   0 A mingw-w64-brain-damage.patch:
   1 A mingw32-float.h.patch:
   2 A ada-largefile.patch:
   3 A eh-frame-begin.patch:
   4 A fortran-strings.patch:
   5 A ssp-wincrypt.patch:
   6 A libcaf-libtool.patch:
   7 A ada-gnattools.patch:
   8 A ada-unicode-misuse.patch:
   9 A mingw-wformat.patch:
  10 A libobjc-install-strip.patch:
  11 A libgnat-shared-win32.patch:
  12 A libgnat-shared-hack.patch:

This tells me that, in the source tree from which I built the MinGW.org
gcc-6.3.0-mingw32 distribution, not only have I 13 patches applied, (the
"A" means "applied"), but I can also see the precise order in which they
have been applied.  I bundled these into the MinGW.org source
distribution, (in the "arch/mingw32" directory), with each of the above
patch names prefixed by its sequence number, (as above, but incremented
by one, so they run from 01..13; hence number eight in the above
sequence became "09-ada-unicode-misuse.patch").


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