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2022-04-06 01:43
Rezensionen von PK

(0 von 1 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
:-) ok that's great, this linux is great

2022-02-06 02:26
Rezensionen von Patty

(2 von 13 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
The download site is loaded with ads and malware downloads. If you ever do find the actual ISO to download, it will take 2-3 HOURS even if you have the fastest internet in the country. No thanks.

2022-02-02 10:14
Rezensionen von MT

(2 von 3 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
Awesome! It is very convenient OS. I like it is more than Linux Mint because it loads and it works faster. Linux Lite is much better than other lightweight systems I tried.
Fast, Simple, Convenient, Can do a lot of stuff out of the box.
As per many Linux systems: It's hard to resize the window with the mouse. The resize icon only appears around a few pixels of the corner/border.

2022-01-13 20:11
Rezensionen von Garyaltenburger

(0 von 2 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
For an old laptop over Ubuntu. Laptop is old and slow.

2021-11-18 00:43
Rezensionen von seggs?

(3 von 5 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
I love this it turs me on and i tmakes me use my lotion
Its very good at being good
thre are no bas fthings abu=iut linu =z lite.

2021-09-04 23:59
Rezensionen von Thomas

(2 von 4 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
It's good for use in old my old PC

2021-09-03 23:40
Rezensionen von KENNY4000

(3 von 5 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
Wow, this project is amazing. I have no words to describe it. Just to say that Linux Lite 5.6 is amazing. Thank you for working on!!!

2021-08-16 17:08
Rezensionen von RL

(2 von 3 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
Awesome and easy to use for me

2021-07-31 01:05
Rezensionen von Linux Enthusist

(3 von 3 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
Linux Lite is an awesome OS. Works every time you install. I have been using Linux Lite since the 2.2 version. Jerry always has an excellent OS.

2021-05-27 11:31
Rezensionen von ChrisC

(3 von 4 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
Great OS! I really enjoy Linux projects in general, but Linux Lite is the best!