

Yokadi is a command-line oriented, SQLite powered,
TODO list tool. It helps you organize all the
things you have to do and you must not forget. It
aims to be simple, intuitive, and very efficient.
In Yokadi, you manage projects, which contain
tasks. At the minimum, a task has a title, but it
can also have a description, a due date, an
urgency, and keywords. Keywords can be any word
that help you to find and sort your tasks.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-07-07 08:08 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Negative Stichwort Unterstützung, zB t_list! @ Home. Permanent-Filter auf ein Schlüsselwort oder ein Projekt. "T_filter @ foo 'filtert alle weiteren Anruf auf @ foo Stichwort t_list. Die Fähigkeit, Aufgaben nach Fälligkeitsdatum filtern, zB t_list-morgen fällig, t_list-due Sonntag. Notes-Unterstützung für Dinge, die zu einem Projekt gehören, ohne dass eine Aufgabe. Schreibe es mit n_add und Liste mit n_list.
Negative keyword support, e.g. t_list !@home.
Permanent filters on a keyword or project. ‘t_filter @foo’ will filter any further call to t_list on @foo keyword. The ability to filter tasks by due date, e.g. t_list –due tomorrow, t_list –due sunday. Notes support for things that belong to a project without being a task. Add it with n_add and list it with n_list.

Project Resources