

XOAD, formerly known as NAJAX, is a AJAX/XAP
object oriented framework for PHP that allows you
to create richer Web applications. It uses JSON
and native PHP serialized objects to communicate.
Special attention has been paid to security. It
supports server side events (observation) and
client side events (XOAD Events). Server and
client extensions allow features such as HTML
manipulation and caching. It is extensively
documented, and includes tutorials and examples.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-08-29 18:12 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Die Najax Client Ereignis-System (NACLES) und MySQL-Provider hinzugefügt wurden. Sie können es von najax.config.php konfigurieren. allowClasses und denyClasses wurden NAJAX_Server aufgenommen. najax.asyncCall wurde najax.js hinzugefügt / najax_optimized.js. Mit dieser Methode asynchrone Aufrufe zu machen. Bessere Client Fehlerbehandlung wurde hinzugefügt, so dass Sie Methode spezifische Fehler-Handler erstellen können. Security Validierungen wurden NAJAX_Server aufgenommen. Alle JavaScript-Funktionen wurden umbenannt, um najax.functionName (...). najax.config.php durchgeführt worden ist. Alle Metadaten Methoden wurden von NAJAX_Utilities zu NAJAX_Client verschoben.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The NAJAX Client Event System (NACLES) and MySQL
provider were added. You can configure it from
najax.config.php. allowClasses and denyClasses
were added to NAJAX_Server. najax.asyncCall was
added in najax.js/najax_optimized.js. Use this
method to make asynchronous calls. Better client
error handling was added, so you can create method
specific error handlers. Security validations were
added to NAJAX_Server. All JavaScript functions
have been renamed to najax.functionName(...).
najax.config.php has been implemented. All meta
data methods have been moved from NAJAX_Utilities
to NAJAX_Client.

Project Resources