

xCover is a code coverage library for C and C++.
It uses non-standard features available with GCC
4.3+ and Visual C++ 7.0+. Users place line-marks
in each branch of each function or method in a
component's source file, and the library is able
to produce, upon request, a report of which of
these has not been executed. Reporting can be done
on a per-file, per-alias, or per-file-group basis.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-01-04 02:31 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese erste öffentliche Version erfordert GCC 4.3 + oder Visual C + + 7,0 + und beruht auf der Version 1.9.65 + der STLSoft hinzugefügt.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
This initial public release requires GCC 4.3+ or
Visual C++ 7.0+, and relies on version 1.9.65+ of
the STLSoft libraries.

Project Resources