

Warsow is a standalone, eSports-oriented FPS game. It is based on Qfusion, an advanced modification of the Quake 2 engine. It features fast-paced gameplay focused on trix (trick jumps) and art of movement. War§ow features a complete power-up system, including weak and strong fire mode for each weapon in all "normal" gametypes as well as Warshell (battle shield) and Warshock (quad damage) for team-based gametypes. Its cartoonish graphics use cel shading with a style that is similar but not identical to Manga.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-02-28 22:36 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Version behebt einige Gameplay-kritische Fehler (wie die Herausforderer-Warteschlange in einem Duell und Duell-Arena in 0,41 defekt) und einige kleinere Störungen. Es kommt mit einigen kleineren Änderungen an der Benutzeroberfläche und WarsowTV, und fügt einen neuen "Betreiber" Funktion, die privilegierten Akteure gibt noch mehr Macht über den Server ohne die Notwendigkeit, es mit rcon steuern. Darüber hinaus können jetzt mit Demos zu suchen und zu unterbrechen, wie in einem normalen Media-Player angeschaut werden, und ein WarsowTV Server kann nun replay Demos mehrere Zuschauer.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This version fixes several gameplay critical bugs (such as the challenger queue in duel and duel arena being broken in 0.41) and some smaller glitches. It comes with some smaller changes to the UI and WarsowTV, and adds a new "operator" feature that gives privileged players some more power over the server without the need to control it with rcon. Moreover, demos can now be watched with seek and pause, like in a normal media player, and a WarsowTV server can now replay demos to several viewers.

Project Resources