

Warsow is a standalone, eSports-oriented FPS game. It is based on Qfusion, an advanced modification of the Quake 2 engine. It features fast-paced gameplay focused on trix (trick jumps) and art of movement. War§ow features a complete power-up system, including weak and strong fire mode for each weapon in all "normal" gametypes as well as Warshell (battle shield) and Warshock (quad damage) for team-based gametypes. Its cartoonish graphics use cel shading with a style that is similar but not identical to Manga.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-12-21 02:34 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Weapon Einstellungen, Rüstungen Einstellungen, und die Bewegung Systems wurden angepasst und überarbeitet. Waffen können die Spieler zu betäuben, so dass sie nicht in der Lage walljump für eine kurze Zeit, nachdem sie getroffen. Dieses Release führt AngelScript gametype Scripting, lädt alle auf ihre eigene Spiel-Modi zu schaffen. Es hat neue Maps, Texturen, Spieler-Modelle, Motoren-Funktionen, visuelle Effekte, und sogar eine neue Waffe. Es kommt mit neuen Spiel-Modi: Team Domination, Headhunt und Bomb & zu entschärfen.
Weapon settings, armor settings, and the movement system have been tweaked and revised. Weapons can stun players, making them unable to walljump for a short period of time after being hit. This release introduces AngelScript gametype scripting, inviting everyone to create their own custom gametypes. It has new maps, textures, player models, engine features, visual effects, and even a brand new weapon. It comes with new gametypes: Team Domination, Headhunt, and Bomb & Defuse.

Project Resources