

Wally is a Qt4 wallpaper changer using multiple sources like files, folders, FTP remote folders, Flickr, Yahoo!, Panoramio, Ipernity, Photobucket, Buzznet, Picasa, Smugmug, Google, Vladstudio, and deviantART images. It is available in many languages. Supported Linux window managers are GNOME, GnomeShell, KDE3, KDE4, XFCE4, BlackBox, FluxBox, Window Maker, and FVWM (experimental).


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-12-29 11:17 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Ein Gconftool-2 Befehlszeile Argument Fehler wurde behoben. Das Einstellungen-Fenster-Layout ist jetzt für Netbook Screens geeignet.
A gconftool-2 command line argument bug was fixed. The settings window layout is now suitable for netbook screens.

Project Resources