

TimeTrex is a complete Web-based payroll and time management suite that offers employee scheduling, time and attendance (timeclock, timesheet/timecard), job costing, invoicing, and payroll in a single package. Employees can use Web browsers or timeclocks to track their time and attendance, check their own timesheet for missed punches, and respond to flagged timesheet errors. Payroll administrators can quickly generate paystubs and process payroll based off timesheet information or export timesheet data to other applications.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-01-20 08:25 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Dieses Release bringt eine komplett neu gestaltet-Schnittstelle die Drag-and-Drop sowie Massenimport hinzufügen/bearbeiten/löschen-Vorgänge unterstützt. Es fügt auch einen neuen reporting-Engine, Sicherheitserweiterungen und ein Webservice API (SOAP/JSON/AMF) mit 100 % Funktionalität Abdeckung und eine Plugin-Engine.
This release adds a completely-redesigned interface which supports drag-and-drop as well as bulk add/edit/delete operations. It also adds a new reporting engine, security enhancements, and a Web services API (SOAP/JSON/AMF) with 100% functionality coverage and a plugin engine.

Project Resources