

SpaceZero is a RTS 2D space combat game for two players over a network. The objective is to conquer the space, defeating all enemies. At the starting point, you have only one ship and one planet, but you have money to buy more ships to conquer more planets. All the ships can be controlled by the computer (automatic mode) or by the player (manual mode). You can easily change among your ships, controlling all of them independently.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-14 06:33 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Veröffentlichung fügt Motor Flares. Es hat kleinere Bugfixes und ein HTML-Handbuch.
This release adds engine flares. It has minor bugfixes and an HTML manual.

Project Resources