

Inverse SOGo Integrator for Thunderbird is an
extension that transforms Thunderbird into a pure
"heavy" client for SOGo. Whereas the SOGo
Connector is meant for portability, the SOGo
Integrator provides "vertical" integration with
the SOGo groupware server by making use of the
specific features it provides. The general
features provided are: remote administration of
folder subscriptions, an automatic replication of
user folders and subscriptions, propagation of
updates to chosen extensions from a local update
server, and propagation of default settings and
integrated GUI elements.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-07-15 05:49 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Auf die Verbesserungen in Lightning 0,95 gefunden angepasst, Inverse Edition. Diese Pressemitteilung Grautöne die Einträge, die nicht im Benutzer-und Ordner Suchdialoge ausgewählt werden können. Es fixiert den Umgang mit user @ host Benutzernamen. Sie fügt hinzu, italienische und deutsche Übersetzungen.
Tags: Beta, Enhancements, Bugfixes
Adapted to the improvements found in Lightning 0.95, Inverse Edition. This release grays out the entries that cannot be selected in user and folder search dialogs. It fixes the handling of user@host usernames. It adds Italian and German translations.

Project Resources