

SmartEiffel is the GNU Eiffel Compiler. It is intended to be a complete, though small and very fast, Eiffel compiler. The current distribution includes an Eiffel to C compiler, documentation tools, a pretty printer, and various other tools including an Eiffel debugger. It also includes a large library of classes distributed under the terms of the MIT/X Consortium License. Eiffel is an advanced object-oriented programming language that emphasizes the design and construction of high-quality and reusable software.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-02-07 19:33 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Klasse documntation sind nun einbezogen. Die eiffeldoc Programm ist enthalten. Eine Introspektion Mechanismus, wurden experimentelle Persistenz-Funktionen und eingebauten Netzwerk-Unterstützung hinzugefügt. Die Vision Toolkit beinhaltet nun die Unterstützung von OpenGL. Bibliothek Verbesserungen vorgenommen wurden.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Class documntation is now included. The eiffeldoc
tool is included. An introspection mechanism,
experimental persistence features, and builtin
networking support were added. The vision toolkit
now includes OpenGL support. Library improvements
were done.

Project Resources