Selenium Core is a JavaScript-based test tool for
Web applications. Selenium Core tests run directly
in a browser, just as real users do. And they run
in Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Firefox on
Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Highlights dieser Version sind ein "Fenster-"-Option, die die Anwendung im Test in einem separaten Fenster Plätze, so dass "frame-Busting"-Anwendungen getestet werden. Page-Load-Erkennung für Popup-Fenster ist nun zuverlässiger. Neue Cookie-Management-Maßnahmen kamen hinzu. Ein Lauf-Speed-Regler und "Pause"-Taste hinzu, die die alte ersetzt Run / Walk / Schritt Radio-Buttons. Viele Bugfixes und Verbesserungen der Stabilität wurden. Diese Pressemitteilung wurde gegen die neuesten Versionen von Firefox, IE6, Opera, Konqueror, Safari und WebKit getestet.
Initial freshmeat announcement
Highlights of this release include a "multiWindow"
option which places the application under testing
in a separate window, allowing "frame-busting"
applications to be tested. Page-load detection for
popup windows is now more reliable. New
cookie-management actions were added. A run-speed
slider and "Pause" button were added, replacing
the old Run/Walk/Step radio buttons. Many bugfixes
and stability improvements were made. This release
was tested against the latest versions of Firefox,
IE6, Opera, Konqueror, Safari, and WebKit.