

QDPF was written to solve the problem of exposing internal services to the Internet. It runs on machines which bridge two networks and forwards TCP/IP packets from one to the other. Its main use is to expose corporate or Intranet services to the Internet, by running it on an intervening machine. TCP sessions can also be followed in detail using the 'trace' option. QDPF is a Java console application.


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2002-02-18 15:10 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Veröffentlichung fügt Logging, so dass die Verbindungen durch STDOUT kommenden gesehen werden kann. Dies könnte für die Rechnungslegung und Sicherheits-Audits genutzt werden.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release adds logging to STDOUT so that connections coming through can be seen. This could be used for accounting and security audits.

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