

PyPE (Python Programmers Editor) is a lightweight but powerful editor. Tools for the new and seasoned user alike are included out of the box, including syntax coloring, multiple open documents with tabs, per-document browsable source trees, and many others.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-08-26 23:36 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Version behebt einige Fehler mit verwandelt, Arbeitsbereiche und Einstellung Lagerung. Sie fügt hinzu, Rechteck einfügen, Einfügen und unten, rechts zu löschen, löschen Linie, Unterstützung für nicht-weiße Hintergrundfarben, automatische Rechtschreibprüfung von Text-und LaTeX-Dokumenten, und Kapitel Trennzeichen in LaTeX-Source.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release fixes a few bugs with transforms, workspaces, and setting storage. It adds paste rectangle, paste and down, delete right, delete line, support for non-white background colors, automatic spell checking of text and LaTeX documents, and chapter delimiters in LaTeX source.

Project Resources