

PrimeDesktop is a tool for planning, mapping, and administration of a network with the ability to place, move, and manipulate entities within the network map such as desktops, servers, and infrastructure objects. The application allows administrators to control all aspects of their network such as standard devices, user groups, and network rules.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-02-06 03:59 Zurück zur Release-Liste
Beta 3.5 RC2

Diese Version enthält viele Bugfixes, neue Funktionen und Symbole. Es fügt Benutzer erstellte benutzerdefinierte Objekte, einen Splash-Screen, wählbare generische Symbole und Protokollierung. Es gibt umfangreiche Code-clean-Up, Bugfixes, und kommentieren, sowie robuster speichern und laden. Die nächste Version sollte die letzte RC sein, damit Bibliotheken durch die nächste Version eingefroren werden sollte.
Tags: RC, Stable
This release contains a lot of bugfixes, new features, and icons. It adds user created custom objects, a splash screen, selectable generic icons, and logging. There is extensive code clean-up, bugfixes, and commenting, as well as more robust saving and loading. The next release should be the last RC, so libraries should be frozen by the next release.

Project Resources