

Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella
network. It offers advanced functions and integrates all common
Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-02-20 10:37 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Version sollte die Leistung zu verbessern und zu beheben viele Benutzer berichteten Probleme wie Download Deadlock-Situationen, Speicherlecks, und zu viele offene Dateien Fehler.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release should improve performance and fix many user-reported problems like download deadlock situations, memory leaks, and too many open file errors.

Project Resources