

PDFjam is a small collection of shell scripts that provide a simple interface to some of the functionality of the pdfpages package for pdfLaTeX. Facilities include n-up imposition, page rotation, reflection and trimming, selection of pages, and many more. PDFjam depends on a working installation of (pdf)LaTeX, complete with the pdfpages package. For Mac OS X, some example applications (droplets) are provided for drag-and-drop access.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-01-20 07:27 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Version behebt einige wichtige Sicherheitsprobleme. Die Skripte, verlangt heute "/ bin / bash" (statt "/ bin / sh") als Dolmetscher. Verfügbarkeit des "mktemp-d" ist nun auch angenommen. Die Probe Mac OS X Tröpfchen jetzt suchen Sie nach "pdflatex" an (Standardeinstellung) "/ usr / texbin / pdflatex", aber das ist noch konfigurierbar.
Tags: Major security fixes
This release fixes some important security problems. The scripts now call for "/bin/bash" (rather than "/bin/sh") as the interpreter. Availability of "mktemp -d" is also now assumed. The sample Mac OS X droplets now look for "pdflatex" at (by default) "/usr/texbin/pdflatex", but this is still configurable.

Project Resources