Open Babel is a community-driven scientific project including both cross-platform programs and a developer library designed to support molecular modeling, chemistry, and many related areas, including interconversion of file formats and data.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Dies ist ein Bugfix-Release und eine stabile Upgrade, stark für alle Nutzer der Open Babel empfohlen. Es enthält die neue Standardisierte InChI Kennung, Korrekturen für viele Stereochemie Fehler, Erstellung von Cygwin und MinGW, deutlich verbesserte aromatische / Kekule Bindung Zuordnung und koordinieren Generation. Viele weitere Bugfixes und kleine Verbesserungen sind enthalten.
Stable, Major bugfixes
This is a major bugfix release and a stable upgrade, strongly recommended for all users of Open Babel. It includes the new Standardized InChI identifier, fixes for many stereochemistry errors, compilation on Cygwin and MinGW, significantly improved aromatic/Kekule bond assignment, and coordinate generation. Many more bugfixes and small improvements are included.